Chapter 2

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"I'll be letting my shadows feed on evil souls around the town."

"Feed on people's souls?"Yuki asked, looking afraid and horrified as Yugi nodded.

"That's right. My shadows get rather cranky when they don't feed and I if I don't let them feed, they'll control my body and make me kill anyone just for their souls, pure or not. So what do you say, Kuran-san? Keep your secret world safe from humans or the death of many innocent humans on your hands or should I say claws?"Yugi asked, raising an eyebrow at Kaname who looked back at him with a frown.

"Fine......... But how will you be able to go to both classes? Won't you be exhausted?"Yugi chuckled and shook his head.

"No. Shall we be going? I do believe Night class is only from sunset to sunrise?"Kaname nodded before looking at Kaien.

"Yuki and Zero will go with you to Night Class tonight then you will be shown around tomorrow. Dismissed."Yugi nodded and followed Yuki, Zero and Kaname outside and towards his first class.

"Yugi......"Yuki said, looking at Yugi who looked back at her.


"How......... How did you become immortal?"Yuki asked softly. Kaname and Zero wondered about that as well but didn't dare let curiosity show on their faces. Yugi blinked and stared at Yuki for a minute, wondering why she wants to know before he shook his head.

"It's a long story, Cross-san but to summon it up, I had a friend who was a the spirit of a Pharaoh and he was the one who originally had the powers over the shadows. He was my best friend and we had sticked together for so long, have a lot of adventures but it came to an end one day..........."Yugi stopped talking, remembering that day with a small smile on his face and Yuki looked at him in concern.

".......We dueled and he lost and was reunited with his family and friends but he did leave me one gift and that was control over the Shadow Realm, where the shadows were born in a way."Yugi answered and Zero's eyes darkened as he whirled around and grabbed Yugi by the shoulders.

"How the hell can that be a gift!?! If anything, it's a curse! How can you even think of this guy as your best friend? Did he ever ask you if you wanted to be immortal?"Zero snarled out. Yuki gasped as Kaname turned around, frowning and waiting to stop Zero if necessary. Yugi just stared at him with blank eyes before he answered.

"No he didn't.........But he did it because he cared for me when no one else did. No one liked me for my height or my looks or for who I was back in Domino, well I do have some friends back home but no one and I mean no one understood me like him. Not only did he care for me but he used his Shadow Magic to protect me from danger and from bullies."Yugi took a deep breath before he continued.

"Yes I was afraid of him at first but then we talked about it and in doing so, I learned that what he did at first was the only way of showing what he knew was to cause people harm for my own protection because I had freed him and he never wanted to see me get hurt. Tell me Kiryu-san, how would you feel if all you've ever known for 500 years was only darkness, never seeing the light until it's in the palm of your hands?"Yugi asked, tears in his eyes but he blinked them away.

 Zero's grip loosened and he backed away from Yugi, staring at him in awe and shock along with Yuki and Kaname. Yugi turned to Yuki and Kaname, staring at them emotionlessly. 

"We should go before you miss class, Kuran-san."

Kaname could only nod and they continued walking in silence. Once they got to the class room, Kaname opened the door and everyone in the room got up and bowed to him. Yugi raised an eyebrow but other then that, said nothing.

"Who is this?"The teacher of the Night class asked, raising an eyebrow.

"This is Yugi Muto. He's an immortal. Not a vampire, sir and he will be staying in the Moon Dorm while going to both Day and Night class."Everyone in the Night Class except for two people in the back stared at Yugi in shock.

"An immortal? Lord Kaname, what do you mean by that if he is not a vampire?"Ruka asked in disbelief and Yugi chuckled. 

She glared at Yugi  for laughing at her but was shocked when he returned glared back at her. Kaname sighed and turned to look at Yugi who turned to him and gave him a nod.

"Muto-san can control the shadows around him. I do not know what else he can do but the Headmaster has asked that we stay out of his way when he is off the school grounds during the night."

Everyone except the two people in the back looked as though they didn't believe Kaname and looked at Yugi, waiting for them to show that what Kaname said was true. Yugi let a small smirk form on his lips and held out his hand and the shadows around the room went flying towards Yugi's palm once again before they disppeared. 

"Now do you believe your Lord?"Yugi asked, raising an eyebrow and everyone nodded.

"Good."Yugi said, smiling sweetly. 

Kaname looked down at Yugi before putting a hand on his shoulder. Kaname immediately noticed how Yugi tensed up but guided him over to where he normal sat during class. Once he sat down, Yugi stared at him with a frown on his face.

"Sit. I don't bite. You can leave now, Kiryu, Yuki."The two teens nodded as Yugi took a seat next to Kaname.

"Bye Yugi."Yuki said, waving bye and Yugi just blinked as they left.

'Hikari's of the Thief King and Tomb Keeper are here, master!'The Shadows said and Yugi looked to the people at back of the room who were looking at him with smiles on their faces.

"Malik......... Ryou......."Yugi said softly. 

Everyone stared at him before looking at the two boys who suddenly appeared in front of Yugi and bowed at his feet. Yugi growled and glared down at them, knowning that they were being idiots and he felt the need to kick them where it hurts.

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