Chapter 4

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Yuki laughed nervously as Yugi's eye kept on twitching. Everywhere they went, Yugi was followed by the Day class students because he, as they called him cute and beautiful. It wasn't long before Yugi had enough of the girls following him like love sick puppies and took off in a run with Yuki and Zero following him along with the Day class students, however, they were able to lose them for a few minutes and and within those minutes, Yugi created a portal of some sorts.

"Yugi? What is that?"Yuki asked. 

Yugi didn't answer, instead he jumped in it. Zero and Yuki looked at each other before they nodded and quickly jumped in as it started to close. Once it was closed, the girls suddenly came to a stop and looked around in confusion and anger.

"Where'd they go?"

"I don't know but I bet Yuki is trying to keep him all for herself like she does with Kaname-sama!"


With Yugi, Yuki and Zero

Both Yuki and Zero landed on their backsides with a groan. Yuki sat up and her eyes widened at what she saw, she almost screamed at seeing these creatures. Zero, of course sat up and pulled his bloody rose out and aimed it at the creatures, narrowing his eyes.

"You can put that gun away. They won't hurt you and it's not like you can hurt them with that gun."Both of them turned to find Yugi sitting on a throne, staring down at them with a knowing look in his eyes.

"Yugi......? Wha....... What is this place? What are these things?"Yuki asked, getting up and stared at Yugi who grinned innocently.

"This is the Shadow Realm and these are the shadow's true forms. There are only some Shadow Creatures that can appear in your world in their true form while others....... They can't and will look as though they are nothing but shadows that will kill you."Yugi said before he looked around. 

"Leave."The Shadow Creatures suddenly disappeared, leaving them alone. Yuki sighed in relief while Zero looked around the throne room with narrowed eyes.

"You don't belong here. I'll take you back."Yugi said, walking over to them.

"What? Why? We just got here! Can't we look around?"Yuki whined but Yugi only shook his head no.

"No. I'm sorry, Cross-san but it's dangerous here and I don't think Kuran-san will be happy that we're not on campus anymore."Yugi said and before Yuki or Zero knew it, they were by the gates of the Moon Dorm.

"Wha?...... How..... How'd you do that?"Yugi shrugged and began walking away from them, disappearing into the tree lines of the school. 

"Come on. Let's go."

"What!?! But Zero, what if-Yuki, we have classes."Zero snapped, grabbing Yuki's and hand and dragged her off to class. Yugi sighed from his hiding place in the tree as he watched Zero drag Yuki away. 

"They'll never understand......... I miss you...."Yugi whispered softly to the wind before he glared at his shadow which held his shadow monsters that were hungry.

'Fine......... Go find an evil soul that will do something tonight and wait.........'The shadows went flying out of his shadow and disappeared into the town without anyone noticing.

The Shadow Prince In  Cross AcademyWhere stories live. Discover now