Chapter 8

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Yugi growled lowly in his throat as he, Ryou, Malik, Odion sat in Ishizu's room, looking at Ishizu who was frowning from her spot on the bed. Ishizu had just told them that some vampire had gotten into their Yami's Tomb and had awoken them from their deep slumber and that they were somewhere in Japan.

"Are you sure?"Ryou asked, looking a bit pale.

"Yes, Ryou."Ishizu said, looking at them and Yugi's eyes flashed red.

"How dare a vampire go into a sacred place without our permission, that is an insult!"Odion snarled and Malik nodded his head in agreement.

"Do you know who it was?"Yugi suddenly asked after two minutes of silence.

"No, but I know that this vampire is related to Kaname-sama."

"But Kaname's whole clan was wiped out. He was the only one that survived."Ryou said softly. This caused Yugi to frown and look out at the sky.

"Someone's gonna have to go back to Egypt and check out the tomb to find out if they stole anything else while I keep a close eye on the town with my Shadows."

"Ishizu and I will go."Odion said and Yugi stared at him before he nodded and opened up a portal."This will take you straight to the Tomb. Be safe, the both of you."Ishizu and Odion nodded before going through the portal that disappeared behind them.

"Winged Kuriboh and Kuriboh."Winged Kuriboh and Kuriboh suddenly appeared looked around curiously before looking at Yugi."Winged Kuriboh, I need you to watch the Ishtar's for me while Kuriboh, I need you to watch the vampires here in this school, if you notice anything different about them, come and tell us."Both Kuriboh's nodded and disppeared. 

"Well, I'm going to study."Yugi said, getting up and walked towards the door."Goodnight, Ryou, Malik."

"Goodnight, Yugi."Both of them replied, walking behind Yugi and they walked out of the room to find the Headmaster, Yuki, Zero, Kaname and some of the vampires standing there, looking onfused.

"Is Ishizu-chan alright, Yugi-kun?"Kaien asked and Yugi nodded.

"Yes, she's fine. I sent her and Odion to Egypt to check something out for me."Yugi said and his eyes narrowed as he stared at Kaname."Ryou told me something very interesting about you, Kuran and so did Ishizu......"

"I'm sure that whatever it is, it is as no importances to you."Kaname said, sounding a bit rude.

"Oh really?"Yugi asked, eyes turning black and Malik and Ryou shivered when his aura turned back."I believe that your family has everything to do with me."Yugi snarled and Kaname's eyes narrowed.

"As you know, Ishizu can see the future and that is why she collapsed. She saw the Pharaoh who I sent back to to the Realm of the Dead along with his friends. Half of their souls went back to Realm of the Dead while the other half stayed in their bodies. They have been in a deep slumber for five hundred and two years. They were awoken by a man that looks just like you and Ryou said that your clan is dead, so how in the name of Ra, is that possible!?!"Yugi growled out. 

His growling caused the vampires growled back at him before they backed down when a lot of shadows appeared, growling loudly, from with in Yugi's shodow. Kaname stared at Yugi before he glanced at Yuki for a second then looked back at Yugi and sighed softly.

"My uncle was the one that murdered my parents..... I thought I had killed him but it seems that he is still alive."Everyone gasped at this and Yugi's shadows growled louder.

"Do you know where he is?"Malik hissed out as Ryou grabbed Yugi and held him back from attacking Kaname.

"No, if I did, he would already be dead."At that moment, something clicked inside Yugi's head.

"Everyone's your pawn and those that you see as a threat, you get rid of them......"Yugi whispered with wide eyes as they turned back to amethyst before turning back to black as he glared."You even think about killing the Pharaoh and I'll kill you, do you hear me Kaname Kuran!?!"Yugi snarled out as the shadows started to come to life and Kaname frowned before he nodded.

"I understand."Kaname said before he and the rest of the Night Class walked away with everyone watching him.

"Yugi, how can you accuse Kaname-sama of such a thing?"Yuki asked sadly and Yugi glared at her.

"Cross-san, have you never heard the saying 'Never get close to a vampire, for if you do, you will be enthralled by their eyes'? Because if you haven't noticed, that is what he is doing to you."

"That's not true!"Yuki yelled and shook her head and Yugi scoffed.

"It is true and i would know because the Pharaoh is the Original, he was the one that created vampires by using the shadows, vampires were born from the shadows, do you know what that means?"Yugi asked and Yuki frowned."Of course you wouldn't, you're nothing but a child."Yugi said and started to walk away.

"When you've figured it out, come and find me but until then, stay away from us and your precious Kaname-sama."Yugi spat and Yuki's eyes narrowed as she watched Yugi, Malik and Ryou walk into Yugi's room.

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