Chapter 7

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"What do you mean Ishizu has collapsed? She did not seem ill this morning."Yugi said in false confusion as to why Ishizu would have collapsed. He looked down, hiding his bright amethyst eyes that had darkened to a eerie dark violet-red colour.

"She is not ill. But Malik did say that he knows why she collapsed but he won't tell us why."Rima answered, causing Yugi to look up at her and he nodded.

"I see....... Please, do go on ahead. I have some........ unfinished business to attend to........"Yugi said softly and turned away from the Vampires who looked at Kaname. 

Kaname nodded, silently telling them to leave. The only ones left in the ally was Kaname, Takuma, Yugi and the man who's soul was being ripped out of his body. Takuma frowned in sadness at what was happening to the man. 

'So Kaname-san was telling the truth, this how Moto-sama keeps his shadows under control....... But does that man really have a dark soul? To me, the soul looks like....... well, it looks blue..... and Moto-san said that if the person who has done a dark deed, the have a dark soul....... So wouldn't that mean that the soul of this man is black?'Takuma thought in confusion. 

Takuma didn't notice that the shadows had disappeared but he did flinched when the man fall to the floor and he stared into the man's lifeless eyes before he looked up at Yugi who was staring at him with a raised eyebrow then looked at Kaname.

"I said to go ahead, you did not need to stay to see that....."Yugi muttered before looking down at the dead man with a sneer. Clicking his fingers, the shadows came back and consumed the body in shadows and were gone the next second with the body.

"If I may ask, Muto-sama."Yugi looked back up at Takuma with narrowed eyes."Never mind....."Takuma muttered and Yugi shook his head.

"I'll meet you both back at the Moon Dorm."Yugi said and the shadows wrapped around his body and he disappeared. 

Takuma looked over at Kaname who had a frown on his face. Kaname looked over at Takuma and shook his head and started to walk away and Takuma followed after him.

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