summing two more people

10 0 0

piper: are we seriously gonna ignore what just happened there?!

kevin: no and nor should we ok who at lest went 80% of there power?

everyone rose there hands.

kevin: well theres our problem.

Arizona: not only that remember the last time we actually saw cole he was an avatar and the only way he died was because he went to an alternate time line where he was still beltizar and paige vanquished him.

kevin: you know I'm mad but your right so how the hell do we kill cole?

chris: I mean we could get him stuck in an alternate reality and kill him there.

kevin: ya but putting him in an alternate reality would mean putting him in another universe which means putting more risk to the plan.

wyatt: wait how?

kevin: well if we put him in an alternate reality whos to say that in that universe he's stronger than he is here.

henry: ok to complicated imma go home.

kevin: haylii and Arizona yall go with him.

Arizona: ok I can understand haylii but why me?

Kevin: woman you pregnant that turtle growing inside you needs to be safe.

Arizona nodded her head and left with haylii and henry.

Piper: ok so do we trap him in another universe or do you have another plan?

Kevin: we'll only do that when were out of options so what I'm thinking is calling grams and see what she has to say.

Piper: grams?!?!

Kevin: ya if not we can call patty.

Wyatt: or maybe both.

Phoebe: um why?

Kevin: besides yall their the most powerful witches I know.

Paige: I bagged it differ did you see what yall did to the source in the attic!!!

Kevin: oh ya you know I totally forgot about that.

Prue: how can you forget that you completely obliterated the source?!

Kevin: vanquishing demons like that gets old after the first hundred thousand.

Wyatt: did we kill that many demons?

Kevin: yup got it all up here in my noggin.

  Piper: anyway the plan?

Kevin: ah yes da plan.

Kevin walked away.

Phoebe: where are going?

Kevin: where do ya think?

everyone followed him up the stairs to the attic and Kevin lit the candles that were in a circle on the floor.

Paige: why do I feel like we've been here before?

Phoebe: because we have. 

Kevin: shh. hear these words hear my cries spirits from the other side come to me I summon thee cross now the great divide.

six orbs came down and two ghostly people came out.

penny: I'm telling you he was hitting on me!

patty: mom!

Penny: what?

Patty pointed at all seven of us.

Penny: huh?

Prue Paige: grams!

Phoebe: mommy!

Piper: mom! 

Penny Patty: oh hi!

after everyone stopped hugging grams and patty, patty and penny started to ask us qustions.

Penny: so why did yall summon us?

Kevin: well we need yalls opinion.

patty: on what? and who are you?

Piper: that mom is your grandson.

Patty: yall had another kid and how come chris is older than wyatt?

Kevin: hehe you see I'm not piper and leos biological son and chris and wyatt are from both different time lines.

Patty: piper you adopted a boy wait no because wyatt is from a different time line so in the future you adopt right?

Piper: ya no not like that wyatt and kevin are dating.

Patty: oh.

Penny: um anyway you needed our opinion on...   

 Kevin: yes well you see...

Phoebe: cole is back and well we need to vanquish him but were all out of ideas.

Patty: why don't yall just trap him in another universe?

Chris: that whati said!

Penny: well putting him in another universe is a risk because we don't know how strong he is in that universe.

Kevin: that's what I said.

Phoebe: well were at a large brick wall. 

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