little box of horrors

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everyone was back at the mannor in the living room.

Leo: ok Prue what happened? and Prue how are you not see through? also who is that? why is wyatt 13 and how come chris is 28?

Prue: witch hunter said someone was over using there magic found out its was kevin and kevin brought me back to life, that's kevin.

Kevin: hi.

Prue: also your future son-in-law, wyatts from the same time line as Kevin and chris is from a different time line then all of us.

Wyatt: so how ya feel dad?

Leo: my heads hurting from all of what you just said but dealing.

Phoebe: dose anyone else feel alittle bit down?

Paige: now that you mention it I do.

Piper: me to.

Hope: I know why.

Phoebe: hope? what are you doing here?

Prue: who?

Leo and kevin: Hope the guardian of Pandora's box.

Kevin and Leo looked at each other with questioning faces.

Piper: what happened with the box?

Kevin: did you lose it again?

Wyatt elbowed Kevin in the shoulder.

Kevin: what?

Hope: no well I was fighting a demon and I disappeared.


crystals went around hopes feet and a cage went around hope.

Billie: hay I was just upstairs and the crystals just disap- whats going on.

Kevin: shh hope what was the name of the first demon saw?

hope: um Katya.

Kevin: ok what was your bestfriends name at that time?

Hope: Darcy.

Kevin: she's clean.

then Kevin kicked one of the crystals away.

Paige: what was that about?

Kevin: well you remember the last time this happened?

Phoebe: oh ya.

Kevin: ok so did the demon have a smirk on there face before they teleported away?

Hope: YES how'd you know?

piper: because that means they got what they came for.

Kevin: and thats why the demon left so soon.

Hope: well I got this from her.

Kevin: it was a girl? and she wore weave?!?!

Wyatt: what's weave?

Kevin sighed and patted wyatt on his head.

Kevin: oh you have so much to learn BUT I have to correct yall were not from the same time line.

Wyatt: and I'm not 13 I'm 14.

Kevin: I'll be 14 in july.

Piper: any way we could use her.... weave to scry for her.

Kevin: right let go do that.


2 hours later


Kevin: piper any luck?

Piper: no she hasn't surfaced yet, how are phoebe and chris doing in the underworld.

Kevin: they had a few run ins BUT their fine, you want me to take over.

Piper: um sure hay can you orb me to phoebe and chris?

Kevin: sure.

Kevin orbed PIper to the underworld then Wyatt walked in.

Wyatt: hay.

Kevin: hay.

Wyatt: have you ever heard of a blake?

Kevin dropped the crystal at the mention of the name.

Kevin: W-why do you ask?

Wyatt: because you muttered that name a lot in your sleep, who was he?

Kevin: no one now can we get back to looking for the demon?

Kevin's thoughts: I could never let him know!

Wyatt: so why are you doing looking for the demon?

Kevin: ya and I found her she just resurface I'm guessing to finish the job, go and get everyone else I'll meet yall there.

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