The Leave + The Return

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Hope: Thank you again for helping me get Pandora's box back.

Paige: you're welcome

Hope: um what time is it?

Leo: it's 5:30

Hope: oh shoot I should really get going.

Phoebe: you don't want to stay a little longer?

Hope: oh I'd love to but Darcy's waiting on me so I should really get going.

Prue: it was nice meeting you.

Hope nodded and walked out the manner.


Kevin orbed in an alley.

Kevin: OK I know you're here some where.

Kevin closed his eyes and he shimmered away.


Kevin reappeared where the charmed one fought Katya and he was standing right next to some ashes.

Kevin: Wyatt...

He said with tears running down his face.

He stood back and wiped his tears away then held his hand above the ashes.

Kevin: la nux ex flucka darkness lex anima.

The ashes formed Wyatt's body.

Kevin: he must be stuck in the astral plane OK think think.

Kevin snaps his fingers.

Kevin: hear the pleads hear my needs bring me the spirit I seek from the astral plane like one, two, three!

Wyatts spirit appeared he looked at Kevin then got sucked in to his body.

Wyatt stood up and smiled at Kevin then kissed him and orbed them back to the manner.


Phoebe: you know you didn't have to yell at Kevin like that.

Paige: ya it's really no big deal.

Piper looked at Paige burning holes in her.

Prue: NOT A BIG DEAL?!?!

Piper: I just lost my son!

Phoebe: Paige is right you saw how Kevin brought back Prue.

Paige: ya what's to say he won't do that to Wyatt?

Piper: I'm starting to think that you didn't see what I saw, last I checked my son was a pile of ash!

There was a blue light coming from the sun room and everyone ran into the sun room just as Kevin and Wyatt broke their kiss piper ran up to Wyatt and hugged him and looked at Kevin.

Piper: how?

Kevin: Magic. But what I want to know is how were you killed?

Wyatt: well uh I kinda let her kill me with a fire ball.

Piper smacks Wyatt.

Piper: don't ever do that again.

Wyatt: sorry but uh Kevin you look older.

Kevin: ya well after I got kicked out by mom I went to grams and grandma and well in heaven you age faster but most people don't age up there because their already dead.

Paige: wait so how old does that make you now?

Kevin: 15.

Prue: TWO YEARS?!?!?!

Kevin: heaven changes you.

Phoebe: so where did you go?

Kevin: oh well I was summoned to another dimension.

Leo: how much does that happen?

Kevin: surprisingly not as much as you expect.

Piper: I'm sorry I yelled at you and doubted you.

Kevin: I accept your apology.

Piper: so how would you feel about living here?

Kevin: just me?

Piper: of course not, you and Wyatt.

Phoebe: where are they going to sleep?

Prue: where am I going to sleep?

Piper: phoebe doesn't live here and Paige is moving in with Henry.

Prue: who's henry?

Paige: my mortal husband.

Prue: you're married? And you live by yourself?

Phoebe and Paige: yes.

Leo: wait what about Chris?

Piper: He could sleep in his room.

Leo: there's only baby beds in their.

Piper: then move out the baby beds and the put a normal bed in there.

Leo: Where are the boys going to sleep?

Piper: at dads I'll go and call him.

Phoebe: I need to go back to my place.

Paige: ya I have to get to Henry.

Kevin: So we'll just go to the gue- our room.

Wyatt: night.

Kevin and Wyatt went to their new room piper went and dropped off the boys at Victor's, Paige orbed to Henry's, phoebe drove back to her place and Leo took out the baby beds and put a normal bed in Chris's new room then everyone went to sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20, 2017 ⏰

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