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Hope's pov
"Shut up" Pinoe said
Making all of us laugh
We all sat around watching TV and random movies
When Dakota woke up
"Well hello sleepy head" Syd said
Dakota waved then rested her head against my chest
"What wrong baby" I ask
"My head hurts" she said
"Ooo I can help"Ali said
She got up and moved over to where Dakota and I were 
Dakota's head still rested on my chest as Ali put her hands on Dakota's head  and used her powers to stop her headache
"Better"I ask my daughter
"Yes mommy" she said
One week later
Dakota 's pov
The few days seemed to be worse than the first day I ran longer studied shorter work on powers and stamina today was the day I did my first battle in combat training
It was me against some one I didn't know or really care to know really he kicked me and I flew back hitting the wall again it's like the 20th time he has done that
He runs over to me and I kick him back I attack him by clawing and bites get him he does the same to me he finally taps out and I get ripped off of him by some really big person after the battle I was free to go
when I got  home before I could make it up stairs I heard mama gasp
"Dakota why are you covered in blood" she asked I could hear the panic in her voice
"Carli calm down it's not hers well not most of it anyway"mommy said trying to explain
"Then who's is it"she asked
"Some kid I had to fight" I answered
"Daaaammmn I feel bad for the other kid" aunt ash said
"Well they said if I lose then I will continue to fight him until I win before I go home so yeah" I said
"That seems kinda harsh I mean she is still only 4"Tobin said
"I know I don't like it either" mommy says
"Their pushing her to hard Hope you need to tell them that because every time she comes home she so tired she doesn't even eat"Mama said looking at me
"Ok I will"mommy said
"Can I go now I don't like someone else's blood on me" I say
"Yeah sure I'll be up their in a minute"mama said
(Aka Carli=mama.     Hope =mommy)
I go upstairs and wait for mama when she comes up she gives me a bath making sure all of the blood is gone
After my bath I got down stairs
"Are you hungry"mama asked me
"No" I answer as we get down stairs
Mama and I sit down by mommy she looks at me and pulls me in her lap
"I'm sorry" she whispers to me
"Why mommy" I ask confused
"Because I let them push you to hard and I'm sorry"she said again
I sat up in her arms and hugged her and kissed her on the cheek
She smiled and chukled
And she kissed the top of my head
"Go to sleep princess" she says but she doesn't have to tell me twice before I'm out like a light
Next day
Hope's pov
"You have to go easier on her"I say
" Are you sure your not letting your feels for her cloud your judgement" Dawyne said
"I'm positive she can barely function when she is home  she's not eating , and not to mention the fact that her  power to see the future is giving her nightmares and she won't sleep at night" I say
"She needs her training" Dawyne argued "your just saying this because of your feelings towards her"
"No I'm saying this because I'm her mother and I can see what you pushing her so hard is doing she's 4 remember that"I say
"Yes but the legendary has to grow up fast" Dawyne said
"Well not that fast" I say
"I'm with Hope we can pull back" Shannon said

" fine but you will see one day that I was right" Dawyne fired back
"Hope take her home for the day let her rest" Shannon said
I nodded
"Thank you"I said
Before leaving to go get Dakota out of her studies and take her home
"Mommy why are we leaving it's not time to got yet we just got here" she said
"I know but they are giving you a day off from training"I say
"yay" she said
I smiled as we walked through the door
"You guys are back early" Ashlyn said
"Yep we are" Dakota said going straight up stairs
"They gave her the day off of training" I said
"Oh thank god cause Carli would have been mad" ash said
I chukled and rolled me eyes
I was about to walk up stairs when I  sensed something
Then I heard a scream that I knew was Dakota's ash and I ran up stairs to her room
When we got their I saw Dawyne their with his hands in a place they should not be
"Shut the hell up" he said to her
"You will do as I say or else" he said
"What the hell are you doing"I said
"What I should have done a long time ago" their was a bright flash but Refused to close my eyes I shifted and attacked him
I bite his hand so he would have to let go of her she hit the ground and ash grabbed her
I dragged him out side by this time he had shifted as well we fought and I knew I wasn't losing
I had pinned him down
" Don't you ever put your hands on my daughter again" I barked at him
He tried getting up but I wouldn't let him  the  guardswere called and they took him away
"What the hell is going on what does this mean" I thought to my self I shifted and went back inside to Dakota
"Mommy!!!!" She screamed
I went over to her and picked her up
"Shhh baby I'm hear now I've got you " I said
"Mommy he-he" she stuttered

"I know baby I know" I said to her trying to calm her down
She gripped on to me tightly she was shaking and crying
"There is something a lot bigger than we thought going on here and I'm really not liking it " I thought
She calmed down alittle
She stopped crying but was still shaking
"M-mommy" she stuttered out
"Yes baby" I said
" will you come with me " she asked shyly
"Where princess" I ask
"Upstairs I never got to take a bath" she whispered to me
I carried her up stairs
And stayed
With her so she wasn't scared
When she got out she fell asleep in my arms but continued to be scared awake by nightmares of tonight's events

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