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Ava's pov

It's been weeks and aunt ash is still "sick" at least thats what everyone keeps telling me
But I truth she's getting worse he almost attacked Shannon and mom
She even barked at Ali and That's  her mate
We know who did it but we don't know when they are going to attack
We have a person down her mate is distort and it my fault I'm the leader and I'm failing my job as a leader and a legendary
There all. Fighting for me and I know that people are going to get hurt

I heard a loud bark and ferocious growl I got out of my bed and went down. Currently most of the house was asleep. But I was to worried to. Sleep
I went down to. The basement where aunt ash. Was
I took. A deep breath and opened the door
She looked at me
I didn't look at her though
Then I heard her voice in my head but it was the old ash not this demon before me
"Dakota what the hell are you doing here you need to. Leave" she said
I closed my eyes for a second then replied using our mind link
"No" I stated
" you have too. I don't have control over my own body anymore I don't want to hurt you"
"Then don't" I say
"It's more complicated than that I CAN'T control. My self
" you are going to have to. Fight without me" she said
For the first time in a long time I looked at her and broke down I let silent tears fall from my eyes  I walked over to her she growls but I don't care
"Stay back"
I get down on my knees tears still falling from my eyes  I wrap my arms around her furry body and I cry into her back
" I'm sorry" i say
" I wasn't there I let this happen I didn't listen to myself
I'm the legendary I'm supposed to protect people but I'm hurting them everyone is trying to protect me" I cry
"I'm sorry" I cry again
  I feel arms wrap around me
I didn't even realize aunt ash was human again
I looked up at her and her eyes we still black but they were changing back to brown
"Aunt ash?"
"Yes baby girl it me"
I hugged her tightly
"your back" I say
"No not for go not yet"
"Why not" I ask on the verge of tears
"Because I'm still poised I won't be back until it's gone" she said
"Ash?" We heard and looked up it was Ali
I moved and she ran into aunt ash's arm her hugged her tightly aunt ash hugged back
When they finally pulled away aunt Ash looked at me
" you two have to leave now" she says
I nod and go to aunt Ali
" oh and Dakota were fighting for you beacause your something special and everyone hear can see that but you , you are strong enough to do this but you have to believe in you"she said " we all do"
She  shifted back to a wolf and I hugged her again before leaving I went back to my room more determined than ever to heal her
I got back into bed
And said using our mind link 
"Good night aunt ash"
I said and let sleep wash over me
I wake up the next morning
I just lay there staring at the ceiling
I heard people talking Down stairs
"What are we goi g to do with her?"
"I don't know we have all tried but there's nothing we can do"
I immediately knew they were talking about Aunt Ash
"Our best option is to put her down"
Other reply I jump up and teleportated down stairs
"NO" I barked
"Dakota you have to understand" Shannon said
"No I will not let you kill her"
"Ok really we are listening to a 12 year old"
"Watch it Samantha" Shannon said

"No do you have a better idea of what to do with her"she
"No I do not but you will kill her she has a wife and a daughter that need her"
"You will not lay a finger on her do all of you understand me" I said
Samantha growled at me
I shot her a glare the fire spreading across me eyes and a low growl shake my chest
I turned and walked into where aunt ash was
"Where are you going Dakota"Shannon said
"To fix this little problem we have"
"We have already tried it hasn't worked"
"I'm not going to give up I'm the so called leader right?"I asked
"Then I'm going to lead go get me mom ,Ali ,Carmela ( aka my witch friend)" I said
They all looked at me
"NOW" I barked and they all got up and moved

I went into the basement to see her pacing around I cautiously
Moved twords her
"It's me aunt ash"
She growls but I know she knows who I am
We're going to fix you
"I don't need fixing" she barked her voice sounding as thought there are more than one

"Yes you do and I'm going to help"
"No"she barked
"I looked her in the eyes scanning her body my eyes slightly glowing
"Your in pain"I said
I could see the poison was almost to her heart and once it reaches that point it won't be reversible
"You better get out now" she growled
"Or what"
"I'll kill you I'll kill you all" she barked
Just as my mom, Carmela , and Ali walk in
"Then do it"
Aunt Ash growled but didn't move I stepped forward she growled again
"Dakota stop she my hurt you"my
Mom said
"No she won't because if she was she would have done it already"I said not taking my eyes from the wolf before me
"Lay down"I commanded
"I won't take orders from you" I glared at her my eyes turning black
"Do t or you'll be sorry" I growled my voice sounding different
She did as I told her
"Aunt Ali I know how
To heal her but it will bring both of you great pain I want your permission before I do any thing" I say
"Of course"she said
Just then aunt Alex came in and took Ali out
Then I break into action
"Carmela start on the rejuvenation concoction"
"on it " she says
"Mom your with me"
She stepped up and ash growled
"Hey you will not growl at her"
I growl at her
I tell my mom what I'm doing using our mind link
She kneels down and put her hand on aunt ash's head
She half changes and she rips open the back of aunt Ash
I immediately grab aunt ash to. Keep her from biting  My mom
Ash growls ferociously but she My grip around her neck tightens
She still. Growls and I know I'm going to. Have to. Hurt her to. Get her to stop my grip. Gets very tight around her neck and  I shove her head down she whimpers and stops
"Stop it if you attack her I will kill you"I said
Yes I know she is my aunt but this is my mom she gave birth to me sooooo sorry aunt ash

She stops and I let her go
Carmela bring me her mixture I pour it into the open wound on ash's back
She whimpers again
" I know it hurts but it will be over soon"I say to her
I start my healing process that only I can do my eyes glow and I pull the seemingly smaller dark cloud that s
Has almost consumed my aunt
The darkness pulls back and I pull back harder feeling the cloud come from her body I crush it in my hands then put my hands on her head and back healing anything and everything that might be wrong with her. When I finish my eyes stop. Glowing and I look at her her eyes are open
And she looks at me
"Thank you" she says
Then. Her eyes close again and her body turns back . To. Human form
I sigh in relief that it worked

I look at my mom
"Can you. Carry her to. Her room" I ask
She nods and picks up. The Beta
We all. Walk. Out of the basement
As soon as she sees aunt ash. Ali gasps
"Oh my gosh. Is she ok. Please tell. Me she's ok" she said on the verge of tears
"She is fine but she needs to. Rest" I say
She smile at me
" thank you for. Giving me back. My mate she said
"Well of course we can't have a life with out her without any one really" I say
The I am slapped I. The face by my own words
"You better start saying your good byes we're going to war and some won't make it back"
The inner voice in my head says
God why can't I get any thing right
Hope you enjoyed sorry for not updating yesterday but here is the longest chapter ever with 1542 words yay!

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