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Dakota's pov
The next few months we all trained hard there was no going easy
Everyone one was ready to fight
A lot of the friends I have made from other species
Ogers, dragon, dwarfs, and so on
And here I was 12
And the leader of all these people their lives rested in my hands
"What if I can't lead them or I choke" i thought "I can't do this"
"Dakota come here" I heard my mom call
I went into the main training room
"Yes" I say
"Suit up your battling today"she said
"Who?" I asked
"Me" she said
Me jaw dropped
"You I can't fight you" I said
"You can and you will"
"Omg I'm going to die"
"Aren't you going to kill me"
"No I'm not going to kill you" she said chuckling
" this is not funny" I whine
"Yes it is now go suit up" she says
"Please don't make me fight you "I beg
She laughs
" your not fighting me geez" she said
I sigh in relief
" than who am I fighting"
"Your fighting a hybrid" she said
" that's it that's all I get a hybrid"
"Yes now I won't tell you again now suit up now" she said
"Yes ma'am"
I go and put on my suit and go back to the main room

I walked out and saw a very big man his eye were hard he was buff and I'm guessing very strong
"This is who I'm fighting" he said and started to laugh
"Aww I'm going to hurt the poor child" he said
" Don't underestimate her" mom said
He just continued to laugh
And it was starting to piss me off
We both shifted and he was big but I wasn't afraid
"FIGHT" someone yelled
He pounced
I saw he was trying to tackle me I waited and timed it perfectly as I teleported he fell and I had to hold back my laughter

"Oh now your gonna get it" he barked
He lunged at me I jumped up landed on his back
I bite the back of his neck
He growled and threw me off his back I hit the wall then the ground.
I stood
" Your strong I'll give you that" he said
" Dakota tame" Shannon said
I shifted into legendary mode
I got bigger my fur turned white 
And a flame spreads in my eyes
"What the-"
I pounce on him knocking the man down on his back I bark
Loud and growl at him I  he refuses to submis to me so I claw a bite barking an growling loudly so loud it was almost beefing
"I refuse he says"
Then I look him dead in the eyes growling and clawing until I break him the intensity in my eyes says it all
I bark again mad and loud
He finally whimpers I bark again growling 
He whimpers and I get off of him and he lowers himself I nod satisfied
I was about to shift 
But then I started glowing my eyes glowing bright white images flash in front of my eyes
Aunt ash and some others in the woods their being shot at with arrows  they are coated with something one hit aunt ash she husses and fall to the ground and blacks out when I come to I look up at my mom she looks worried I take off up the stairs to her she kneels and puts her hand on my head I show her the images then I look at her I nodded towards the door she shifted and nodded
We both took off  to go find ash we are in the forest
I can feel her heart beat so I know we are close  I look in the distance and I see blond hair mom sees it to cuz we both take off we get there and pick her up between the two of us we get her back to the castle take her to the infirmary
We try everything to heal her of the poison before she wakes up because this is reverse poisoning it basically makes you turn good if your evil or evil if your good
Ashlyn is a hybrid she can kill any of us except me when ever she wanted
I feel a ping of pain is n my chest
"There's nothing we can do for her now we just have to wait until she wakes up" mom said
I nodded and went to Ali who was sobbing on the couch
With Alex and Kelley trying to comfort her
An idea popped into my head and  I walked over to then
When Ali sees me she stops crying and gives me a sad smile I rush over to her and hug her she hugs me back
I sat in her lap and she had her arms around me I showed her images of when her and aunt ash were together and happy when the series of images faded I looked at her she smiled and let a tear fall from her cheek
"Thank you" she says
"No problem now all we have to do is wait" I say
Heyo peps wanted to update for you guys I have soccer tryouts today for a new team which me luck

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