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Everyone is on edge
Alex and I have been getting visions of our attackers
So many possible outcomes are going through my head
Aunt ash is better now that's the only good thing going on
I'm sitting in the living room
And I had a vision of our attackers were attacking the kids
Olivia ,Ryan,Reece, Payton ,Braden,Michelle,Rosie, Zoe, and Jeremiah
When I came out of it everyone was looking at me
"What did you see" Mom said
" t-the k-kids " I stutter
"What about the kids" ash said worried
I felt a sensation of pain go through my heart
"We have to go now"
"We need to move now you all don't have to come but I am going" I said
I jumped up racing out the door as soon as I got out I shifted into full on legendary mode I sprinted to the younger pack mates I hadn't noticed that people were following me until I arrived and stopped everyone was there
"You fight we fight" aunt ash said
I smiled and barked orders so we could surround them
Everyone had been waiting for this moment
We were ready I looked back at everyone one last time before I walked out  I heard whimpers I looked to where they were coming from island I saw Michelle
"Leave her alone" I barked
"Well well well if it isn't Dakota" Dwanye said
"Long time no see look how dog you have gotten"
I walked forward
"Leave her alone she did nothing to you"
"I'm afraid I can't do that unless you come to the dark side"
He said
I looked at  Michelle
Then I spoke to her using our mind link
"I'm going to get you away from him baby girl ok"
She nodded
"But if you refuse i will kill her and you" Dwyane said
"And don't think I came alone come on out Jerramy"
And out walks my dad

I wanted desperately to turn around and run into my mothers embrace but I couldn't
"Oh Dakota how happy your mother will be to see I have you back" Jerramy said
"That women is not my mother"
"Oh" he said "and what makes you so sure"
" because i found her and you of all people should know that"
"What Hope she never wanted you that's how you ended up with me Hope wasn't there and you are going to defend her the women that didn't want you" he said "if your going to do that your even more stupid than I thought" he spat
"Michelle go find your mommy ok" I said
As i walked in front of her shielding her from Dwayne
"Ok" she said and ran straight to ash
"Let the rest of them go it me you want"
"Then come with us and they will be spared for now anyway"
" I will not go with you"
" then we will end you " he said then pounced on me knocking me to th ground I look up to see the good aginst evil war starting I kick him off of me and he flys a cross the Felid and hits his back on the stone wall
I looked around
I saw everyone fighting around me Hope was fighting Jerramy  and was winning I moved over to Dwayne and ended him with out a second thought
I found the kids and led them over to where Michelle was hiding and told them not to move
I went back out to the war that was unfolding around me and the unexpected happened
Yay clif hanger I sorry for not posting I might not be posting for a while got some dance issues I need to fix 💗😘

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