(3) Catch Me If You Can!

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(Finally, a pic of how I imagine Eli! Transformed, of course.)

After finishing lunch we bought from a nearby Starbucks, we made our way to the mall. It is now 12:30pm ish.

Aunt Leah parked the car and we hopped out.

"Ok Missy, here's how it'll go. You follow me and I don't want to hear a single peep of complaint. Got it?"

"Sure... " I say, unsure of myself.


I can't help but think, what have I gotten myself into...


Three long hours of having clothes thrown at me, thrown on me, and thrown away from me, has us sitting down at Starbucks waiting for our caramel frappaccinos. I sigh and relax into the booth and lay my head on the cool table. I'm just lucky we ate breakfast at home and picked lunch up on the way here. I would've died, had we not.

"I think you did pretty well for your first time! And not a single complaint, I'm very proud of you, Niece!"

Seriously, how does aunt Leah stay energetic after all that. I sit up, and after studying her eyes for a bit, see some almost unnoticeable rings of exhaustion under them. Of course she's exhausted! She only landed last night so she'll be jet-lagged but then another load of hours of putting up with me!? How much sleep did she get last night!?

"Thank you... Aunt Leah... For all of this. I really appreciate it." I give her my most sincere smile.

Immediately, her expression softens and I know she understands how much I truly do appreciate what she's done.

"Now, what's an aunt for if she can't even spoil her one and only niece! Besides, I myself had fun getting to know you." Her voice calms on that last part and she smiles softly.

We're interrupted by a voice clearing which draws both our attention. Standing at our table is a waiter about my age with our frappaccinos. I make eye contact with him and see his cheeks tint a slight pink. Is he flushed? Is it hot in here? Is he sick? Is he contagious? Did I do something wrong?? Why am I worrying about this?!

"Thank you darling, I was wondering where these little babies had gotten to," Aunt says as they're put on our tables. I lock my eyes onto my drink, studying it intently, feeling a little embarrassed that I was caught staring at a stranger.

"... Right, sorry for the wait. We ran out of ice out back," he nervously scratches the back of his head.

"Oh it's ok, thank you very much," Aunt dismisses him. Worried he might be sick or something, I drag my eyes from my drink upwards, to watch him make his way back towards the counter. He looked back at us at one point, made eye contact with me, then hurried off, bumping into a table along the way.

"He was totally checking you out," Aunt says casually whilst sipping her straw. I choke on my drink and end up shamefully spluttering. "Geez, no need to make a mess of things!" she says whilst handing me a napkin.

"Wha-what do you mean 'checking me out'?" she drops her straw and narrows her eyes at me.

"You can't tell me that you didn't notice. That whole time he was at our table, not once did he throw me a glance. Even though I was the one speaking, even though I was the one he was replying to. Not once did he look at me. You, on the other hand, he gladly made eye contact with." After making her point she picks up her straw and resumes sipping through it. Was it really like that? I did make eye contact with him... "Oh, and don't get me started with the way he got caught by you stealing a second glance on his way back. It was your fault he stumbled!"

Pretty In PinkOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora