Beacon's Fastest Treadmill

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(Normal P.O.V.)

Today was a day off of course. Team RWBY was spending the day doing nothing particularly exciting, well, Blake seemed to be enjoying her book but that just wouldn't do.
"I have an idea!" Ruby cheerfully exclaimed.

"If it's anything like your last idea I'm leaving!" Weiss scoffed.
"Look I thought I could design a sweets shooting machine okay?! It's harder than it looks!" Ruby pouted.
"So what's this idea Rubes?" Yang asked. She looked over at Blake who still had her nose buried in her book.
"Well I heard Beacon got a faster treadmill and stuff so..." Ruby smiled goofily. "I thought I should try and out run it!"

With a large groan and a facepalm Weiss told Ruby that she was only going to get hurt, to which Ruby responded with another pout. "Weiss maybe Ruby is right, when we're done using it we could give feed back on how to make it better?" Yang said. With a small sigh Blake put down her book. "I'm okay with it as long as we bring it here and Yang carries it. I don't want to cause a scene in the workout room."

"You're siding with them?! This is a horrible idea!" Weiss shouted. Blake nudged her and whispered, "We can record it you know." Weiss looked back at her with a small smirk on her face. Quickly changing her expression she looked back at Yang. "FINE! Go get it." Yang smiled. She was about to leave the room when Ruby leapt on her back. "Piggyback ride?"
"Piggyback ride!" With that, the sisters were on their way.

Heading down the hall, they got to the cafeteria  and from there they went to the new and improved gym area. "Is there anything I can do to help you ladies?" Professor Port asked creepily. Yang glared at him but Ruby asked if they could borrow their fastest treadmill. "Are you sure?" He asked. Nodding, Yang dropped Ruby on the floor, much to her disappointment.

Ruby quickly warned everyone in the halls to look out for her sister hauling a large treadmill. With the path cleared, Yang made her way to the dorm room, and eventually entered, after hitting the door once or twice. "Watch where you put that thing!" Weiss screamed, just barely dodging the treadmill. "Sorry sorry! Okay where do you want it?"

"I guess in the middle of the room is fine." With that, Yang carefully placed the treadmill in between the beds, in front of the door. Getting out her scroll, Blake prepared to record. Ruby happily hopped on the treadmill. She excitedly pressed the speed to go to "1." The treadmill had almost no speed whatsoever, it was much slower than even a normal walking pace. Yang hurriedly stood behind the treadmill, she knew her sister's sporadic behaviour, but surely Ruby WAS faster right?

Weiss and Blake got on their beds and Blake pressed record. Ruby looked stumped on what to do next but speedily shouted "ALL OR NOTHING!" Pressing the "max speed" button Ruby let out a scream. It was going unbelievably fast, so fast that Ruby immediately used her semblance but was getting closer and closer to the edge. "Weiss shut it off!!!" Yang yelled. Rose petals were flying everywhere.

Weiss stood up but it was too late. Ruby FLEW off the treadmill straight into Yang with such a force Yang went through the door, and left a large indentation in the hallway wall. Team JNPR popped their heads out their door to see what had created the massive sound and gasped. Yang was smothered against the wall with Ruby laying on her. Blake and Weiss' loud laughter echoed through the halls.

"Ow... My head." Ruby groaned as she pushed off of the mass underneath or her. Wait... "YANG ARE YOU OKAY?!" She wailed. Yang slowly opened her eyes and gave Ruby a reassuring smile. "I guess you could say... Our plan... crumbled!" Indeed their plan did "crumble," as another piece of the wall hit Yang in the head. While they shakily got off the ground Team JNPR was still staring at them wide eyed. "I think we're just going to back away slowly..." Jaune said. They all ducked their heads back into their room.

Even more laughter could be heard from Team RWBY's dorm room. "What is the meaning of this?!" Glynda stormed up to Ruby and Yang, but Ozpin followed her. The laughter suddenly stopped. "I-um you see..." Ruby kept mumbling  as Yang stealthily tried to cover up the now sad excuse for a door. "Miss Xiao Long what are you doing?" Glynda said. "Oh I was just walking. I just need a bit of a stretch that's all!" She lied.

"Please move out of the way." Yang pointed at herself. "Me?"
"Yes, you."
"May I ask why?"
Glynda looked like she was about to explode with rage but Ozpin rested his hand on her shoulder. "Let it go, Glynda, also please fix the door and wall." Yang stood aside and Glynda telekinetically put the door and wall back together, then stomped away. "Please be more careful, Miss Rose, Beacon's equipment is not to be played with." He stated calmly. He then left to go catch up to Glynda.

Then the laughter resumed. Ruby and Yang entered the room to find Weiss and Blake practically rolling on the floor dying. Yang snatched Blake's scroll from her and motioned to Ruby to come look. They looked intently at the video they were watching. They couldn't help but laugh, too. It depicted Ruby crashing into Yang so perfectly almost anyone would have burst into a laughing fit.

"See? It was a good idea!" Ruby said to Weiss. "Okay okay it was pretty good, but we were lucky we didn't get detention or something!" She said angrily. "Calm down there Ice Queen!" Yang smirked. Blake let out a contented sigh. Certainly Team JNPR, CFVY, and SSSN would enjoy this.

Hope you liked it! I don't own RWBY just the plot! I don't know how I came up with this but I did so enjoy! Btw I'm in love with RWBY and I've seen all the episodes, even of volume 3, and I've been broken and crying the entire day because of the finale so I wanted to write something happy!


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