Chapter 6: Aqua

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A brilliant fluorescent light went on and off, signaling a warning to all those present. Beep. Beep. Beep.
The sound of pangs echoed throughout the setting. Eyes blinked. Mouths dropped open. An announcement came over speakers in the rooms of Team Aqua's people.
"Attention, this is Team Aqua leader speaking. All qualified Pokémon retrievers are required to report to the launch room immediately. A search mission is in action."
All Team Aqua trainees and skilled professional Grunts marched into the launch room. The Team Aqua leader took his place by the podium to make a departing message. An agonizing silence passed by for five whole minutes. Then the leader spoke.
"Team Aqua, we are going to use this land here to raise water type Pokémon. Capture any stray water Pokémon you find. Eliminate all other types. " The leader growled. "Any questions?"
A young apprentice Grunt raised his hand. "Isn't this the Eevee breeding ground?" he asked, genuinely curious.
The leader scowled. "Who cares? Just capture the Vaporeons then! Idiots! Go!" the leader yelled, and the launching gate opened.

Yay!!! I finally figured out how to write in italics and bold!!!!
More to the point, how did you like my shortie chapter? didja like it? didja? didja?

AGAIN?!?! : An Eevee AdventureWhere stories live. Discover now