Chapter 4: Fire

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Mira stepped forward, hypnotized by the fierce glow of the fire. It reminded her of warmth, kindness, comfort, and safety.
"Now, what you DON'T want to do is let yourself lose consciousness..." Brefew's warning drifted away. The only thing important right now was to get to that Fire Stone at all costs. It called to her.
"Mira," it roared and whispered at the same time. "I want you... I know you... I know you will do anything to stand with me..."
Mira searched her mind for the worst thing in the world which may grant her passage to the Stone...
"You will even eat a Charmander..." the stone said, voicing her worst thoughts. Suddenly Mira zapped into common sense. She HATED Charmander! She recoiled away from the Stone as if she'd been hit.
"You did exactly what I told you not to do? But that's MY thing!" Brefew joked and scolded her at the same time.
"Sorry- I-I just couldn't-"
"That's okay. Happens to everyone. You just can't touch it... ever." He said in a low voice, trying to scare her.
"Or what?" Mira challenged, face full of excitement.
"You become it," Brefew growled. He wasn't kidding this time.
"Ooooookaaaaaay, so what do I do?" Mira asked, poking at a stem to a leaf.
"Hunt and kill an animal in its presence. It will reward you... If it is impressed. If not..." Brefew's eyes held a mischievous glint, but Mira wasn't afraid. She sank into a practiced crouch and focused on a Rattata a few footsteps away. She slid forward, stepping lightly so the mouse would not sense her vibrations. She was a whisker away from it when a crackle escaped the Fire Stone. The Rattata leapt for cover. Mira turned to the Stone. It was laughing now- LAUGHING. Just like the bird had done. It had made that crackle sound on PURPOSE.
Seeing the angry expression on Mira's face, Brefew took a step back. This was the kit that threw the biggest temper tantrums EVER. He watched the scene unfold before him.
Mira roared, her face a fiery explosion of rage. Her claws scarred the surface of the Stone. It made the nastiest sound ever, which only made Mira even madder. She dug into the stone, deeper until her claws were buried in it. Then she pulled them out and screamed. Her claws were on FIRE. LITERALLY. They were scorching the ground, and yet, and yet... they did not hurt. They felt awesome. Tasted like freedom would taste. Sounded like passion would sound. Looked like power would look. And felt like fire would feel, all the same.
Suddenly the fire blazed up and up into Mira's fur. Seething her soft Eevee ears and tingling her fluffy tail until she felt, truly, amazing. She stood tall, back against the Stone, confidence bursting in every move. The Fire Stone exploded a fiery beam of light in approval, then diminished to the flame it had been before.
Mira sniffed her fur. It smelled burnt. she loved the smell. She turned to Brefew, who was staring at her, mouth agape, speechless, for once. Mira opened her mouth, then closed it, trying to get the words out. Soon she was able to spit them out at Brefew:
"I am a Flareon."

THAT CHAPTER WAS AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I MEAN AW MAN I LOVED IT!!!!! MIRA EVOLVED!!!!! WAHOO!!!! GO MIRA!!!!! GO!!!!


AGAIN?!?! : An Eevee Adventureحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن