Four: And so marks a month

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September left and with it did the last hints of summer in the air. October began with a clear blue sky and crisp air, snapping at Frank's exposed skin when he left the house and urging Linda to remind him to wear a sweater every day. Life was simple, a routine, go to school, hang with friends, do homework, sleep over at Gerard's. Frank couldn't ask for more.

Frank was sitting in the cafeteria at lunch, talking to Ray about some new movie they were planning to see when Gerard let out a dramatic gasp.

"What is it?" Patrick asked. "Forgot your chem homework?"

"No, no! It's been a month!"

"A month since what?" Mikey asked.

"A month since school started! So that's a month since you and Pete started high school, a month since we met Frank, and it's been a great month," Gerard said, eyes bright and gesturing excitedly.

"Oh god, not your first month thing again," Bob rolled his eyes.

"A good first month of anything means that it will be good until the end," Gerard continued, glaring at Bob. "It's never failed."

Frank sniggered. "That's great, Gee," he said, and meant it.

"See, Bob, someone believes me!" Gerard said, pulling Frank under their arm. Frank laughed and pushed Gee off of him. "I just want people to have good lives, is that too much to ask?"


"Hey, fags!"

Frank sighed and glanced over at Gee as they walked down the hall to English. "Don't engage," he said. "We're gonna be late."

Gerard rolled their eyes. "I know. It still fucking sucks."

"Hey, I'm talking to you!" Frank felt a hand on his shoulder and he spun around to see Devin grinning devilishly at him.

"Fuck off," Frank groaned, slapping Devin's hand away and continuing to walk.

Devin spat in Frank and Gerard's direction, but moved on. Gerard ran a hand through their hair, nervously staring at the ground.

"What is it, Gee?" Frank asked, putting a comforting hand on their arm. "Devin's just an asshole, you know he is."

Gerard met Frank's eyes briefly before moving their gaze away. "It's not just him, it's... I wish it wasn't his first thought to see me as... well... 'fag' has such a male connotation I just... I don't want to be seen as male and it's just such a reminder that I can't pass for female-- I don't even know if I want to pass as female... maybe if I could fit in as one gender..."

"Oh, Gee..." Frank tucked a strand of their hair behind their ear. "Don't let what idiots like him say define who you are. You don't need to fit into any gender. You're perfect, Gee. Don't ever think otherwise."

Gerard looked up at Frank, their eyes watery. "Thank you, I mean it."

Frank smiled. "C'mon. We're late to English."

They got to English only two minutes late, hurrying in with a quick nod to the teacher. Frank sat down at his desk. Gerard sat behind him, so Frank couldn't watch as they doodled in their notebooks. Watching Gee draw had become a past time in all of the classes he had with them, and Gee was really good at it. Sometimes they'd sneak their sketchbook out and draw in there, working on elaborate character designs or sometimes even short comics. Frank could get lost watching them move their pencil with practiced expertise, light sketches becoming boldly lined and shaded. Unfortunately for Frank, he would get distracted from the drawings by Gee's face, concentrated, eyes bright. It was one of Frank's favorite expressions to see on them, second only to their smile.

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