5: I have to try so hard not to fall in love I have to concentrate when we kiss

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Frank stuffed his clothes into his bag, glancing at the time on his phone every couple of seconds. He had an hour or so to kill before he could leave without being early, and he'd already showered, finished his homework, and paced the room since he got home. To say he was excited was wasn't wrong, he was nervous as hell. Frank hadn't had friends in so long, even after well over a month of having them, having a birthday party being thrown for him! It was unimaginable, and Frank was unsure of how he should be reacting. He finished packing and flopped down on his bed, running a hand through his hair. It was getting long; he needed to get it cut.

Frank checked the time on his phone again, then once more. He sighed and got up, walking into the kitchen. He grabbed a glass and filled it with water, anything to make time pass faster.

The front door opened and Linda stepped in, shrugging off her coat. "Hi, baby," she said when she saw Frank in the kitchen. "Happy birthday."

"Thanks," he said as his mom gave him a tight hug.

"You sure you don't want to spend your birthday with your good ol' mom?" She asked, messing with his hair.

"I'll be wishing I was home the whole time," Frank promised.

"I hope not!" Linda laughed. "Now, your present..."

Frank's eyes lit up; he was basically a child when it came to presents.

"I don't have it on me because I knew I'd get the wrong kind but..."

"Tell me!" Frank whined.

"I'm getting you a new guitar!"

Frank grinned and hugged his mother. "Thank you! That's the second best thing you could get me!"

Linda pushed her son off of her. "And what would be the first?"

"A dog," Frank said, smiling impishly.

"No way," Linda said, giving Frank one more hug. "Now, are you ready for your party?"


Frank arrived at the Ways' house five minutes early, despite trying to not be early. Mikey swung open the door before Frank could even knock, giving him the sneaking suspicion he'd been watching Frank from a window.

"Happy birthday!" The younger boy exclaimed, giving Frank a quick hug. "Come in, we've got the place to ourselves for the night!"

Frank stepped into the house and took off his jacket, throwing it onto an already building pile of coats next to the door.

"Who else is here already?"

"Ray's been here all day 'helping'," Mikey said, putting air quotes around 'helping'. "He's mostly been killing me at video games while Gee was making your present."

Frank stared agape at Mikey. "I don't need presents! You're throwing me a fucking party I don't need presents too!"

Mikey rolled his eyes. "You try to stop Gee from making you something."

Right on que, Gerard emerged from their bedroom with Ray following them. They were wearing the skirt Frank had bought them, and Frank's smile widened. "Hey, birthday boy!" Gee greeted. "You're what, twelve now?"

"Fuck you, Gee," Frank laughed. "Is there food?"

Gee led everyone into the kitchen, where there was a small pile of chips, a few bowls of salsa and guac, and four heaping bowls of candy. They gestured to it as if presenting a five star meal.

"Plus there's beer in the fridge," they added. "I've promised Mikey he's allowed one beer as long as he doesn't tell our parents."

"I won't tell them!" Mikey yelped as Gee poked his side. "I promise!" He added, crossing his heart.

The Consequences of Befriending Gerard Way (frerard)Where stories live. Discover now