Jak x Reader x Erol

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(Name)'s POV

"Hey Keira!" I called out to the blue haired girl. I had been hired to help out in her mechanic shop about a month ago. Keira and I had become close friends after we met through Krew, the fat pig. I had been working as a barmaid when I overheard him talking about her during a shift.

"Hey (Name)! How's it going?" I made my way over to the curtain she was behind.

"I'm fine. Hey are you working on that 'secret project' again?" I crossed my arms and smirked slightly. I could see her silhouette through the curtain as she nodded her head.

"I want to finish it as soon as I can, but I'm missing some pieces," she sighed.

"Seriously, what is this thing?" I ask as I peeked through the curtain.

"It's a special project," she said.
"Want any help?"

"Sure, just don't tell anyone about it."

"Okay," I agreed as I pushed the curtain away to reveal a strange vehicle.

"What is this thing anyways?" I asked, staring at the machine

"Well, let's just say it's something you wouldn't believe if I told you."

"Try me"

So, we spent the next hour as she explained about Gol and Maia, her childhood friend and old crush, Jak and his best friend Daxter.

"Well. I didn't expect that," I stared at her in shock.

"Well, that's the truth. But you took it better than I expected. I thought you would've called me crazy," she responded.

"Heh, well I guess anything is possible."

"Hey, can you connect these wires like a zoomer? I gotta run to the bathroom," Keira asked quickly.
"Yup," I nodded my head and turned back to the machine. Keira ran out of the garage at light speed. She must've really had to go.

After tinkering with the wires for a few minutes, I heard the slight humming of a zoomer pulling in, and heavy footsteps made their way into the garage. As quickly as Kiera left the garage, I scrambled out from behind the curtain. Making sure it was fully closed, I turned to see an orangey-red haired man covered in armour walk in. He glanced around the garage with a slightly annoyed face.

"Hello there sir, can I help you with anything?" I plastered a fake smile on my face. He finally took notice of me and his expression lightened slightly as his eyes widened. He made his way over to me and the annoyed expression returned.

"Where's Keira?" he demanded with a harsh voice.

"She's in the bathroom right now. I'm working with her at the moment, Can I do anything for you?" I responded with the nicest voice possible. The man grunted.

"My zoomer needs a tune up before the big race, but I won't trust a newbie with my zoomer." He sneered.

I felt anger boil within me as my face flushed red.

"So what if I'm a 'newbie' huh? It's a freaking zoomer. Do you even know how many of these I tune-up and fix daily?!" I spoke with a voice slightly raised. The man gave off a surprised look before his lips pulled into a smirk.

"Well. Feisty." He moved closer to me and leaned against the table we were standing next to, trapping me.

"Hey what do you think you're doing!?" I shoved him away.

"Just getting a better look, Firecracker," he smirked.

"Well don't."

I glared at him over my shoulder as I approached his parked zoomer. It seemed to be well taken cared of and freshly painted. I brought it over to the lift and popped open the metal hood. Checking the engine, I saw the oil needed to be changed and I needed to add more liquid cooler. One of the pistons was loose and hover core needed to be replaced.

I turned back to the man to see his eyes flit up to my face. I could only guess those perverted things were trained on my behind. I rolled my eyes and took a few steps towards him.

"It should be ready in about an hour." I informed him. The guy walked forward until he was almost pressed up against me. I took a step back.

"I'd rather stay and watch Firecracker." He replied. Damn it. I gritted my teeth and made my way over to the supply shelf. Where the hell is Keira.

Grabbing all the tools needed, I made my way over to the man's zoomer. As I began to drain the oil into a bucket I felt the presence of his front against my back, and his hands rested on the table on either side of me.

"Y'know sweet stuff, I haven't gotten your name yet." He flirted in my ear. Just as I was about to push him away, I heard a voice come from behind us

"Erol? What are you doing here?" Keira. Thank god. The weight on my back was lifted as he turned to face Keira.

"Well Keira, I just came here to get my zoomer tuned up for my next big race, and I met your co-worker here." Erol replied smugly. I rolled my eyes from behind him and sent Keira a pleading "help me" gaze. She gave a curt not in understanding.

"Well that's nice, but she's late for her lunch break. So I'll finish up your tune up." Keira told him. I could feel his smirk drop as I walked out of the workshop, shooting Keira a thankful glance as she smiled back.

Something told me that wasn't the last I was going to see of Erol, and man was I right.


Heyyyyyy guyyyyssssss. That's not the end of the one-shot don't worry. I've decided I'm going to split this up because I accidentally made a pretty long one shot for this. Seriously it's like just over 4500 words. But hey, I'll post the next part either tomorrow or the day after.

I'm sorry if anybody likes Erol but you don't like him in this one. Maybe next time.

Ok Baiiiiiiii 😁

Jak and Daxter X Reader One shotsWhere stories live. Discover now