Jak x Reader x Erol (Part 3) (Final)

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------Lol another time skip (six months or so)------

I puffed out air as I walked into the Hip Hog Saloon for the second time that day. Work, feelings, and a whole bunch of other crap had dragged me back for another drink. I walked in to see my buddy, and his Ottsel.

"Jak! What'cha doing here?" I strode over to him. I was pretty good at hiding my blush whenever I got near him.

Said person turned around and a smile made it's way onto his face.

"Hey (Name)." I gave Jak a quick fist bump before turning to order my drink. My mouth opened to speak, but I stopped when I realized Tess wasn't in front of me. I glanced around the counter in confusion, to find the blonde leaning over, scratching Daxter behind the ears. My mind clicked in realization.

"So this is the short ginger that you told me about." I smirked. Tess' cheeks turned a bright pink while a flirty smile made it's way onto Daxter's face. I laughed and Tess straightened up.

"Mmhmm, yes. Can I get you anything (Name)?" Tess pulled a fake smile. I laughed yet again and grabbed her hand.

"You know I'm just kidding with you, and yeah I'll have my usual please." I gave Tess a big smile, which she hesitantly returned, before making my way back over to Jak. He opened his mouth to say something, but was cut off when the Saloon door slammed open.

I glanced back to see who it was, and my shoulders drooped. I faced Jak again and prayed that Erol wouldn't see me. Jak raised an eyebrow in confusion, and I gave him a desperate glare.

Jak's eyes flicked up to something behind me, and then I felt his breath tickle at my ear.

"Hey Firecracker" I jumped slightly and took a few steps towards Jak, turning to face Erol with a glare. His eyes landed on Jak for a few seconds before returning to me, a new angered look in them.

"So (Name), did you hear about the crazy man going around the city? They say he turns into a crazy monster when angered." I could see Jak tense up next to me, and made the connections.

"Well then, why are you here instead of going and trying to find leads?" I shot back. Erol's face twisted into a malicious smile.

"Well you see Firecracker, I've already found him. He's right beside you." I glanced back over to Jak, seeing fear in his eyes. Erol's smirk widened as he saw the effect he had, and I sent a glare his way. I placed my hand on Jak's shoulder, and gave him a small side smile.

"Really? I don't see any crazy monster here." Erol's smirk vanished, and was replaced with an annoyed look.

"Why don't you stop being difficult and come with me away from this freak." Erol spat. He made a grab for my wrist, but caught Jak's instead.

"Don't touch her." Jak growled. Erol removed his hand from Jak's arm and gave him angry glare.

"Hmm. I've heard you've been racing for Keira. Care to go against me? Loser avoids (Name) completely." Erol's smirk reappeared on his face. I could sense Jak was somewhat angered, and his eyes quickly flickered to mine, before returning to Erol.



"Jak, what the hell are you thinking?!" I shouted at him. He turned from his zoomer and faced me with a stone look on his face.

"Listen, I can see how much he bothers you, and me. If I get any chance to prevent him from doing that anymore, I'm going to take it." His lips pulled upwards a bit. "Plus that means I can have more time with you."

This time I couldn't hide the mad blush that rose to my face, and I looked down a little to cover it. Jak chuckled slightly. Daxter, who was resting on Jak's shoulder, made a barfing noise and trotted back into the Saloon, probably to get another drink. I turned back to Jak, eyebrows furrowed with worry.

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