Dark Jak x Reader

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Yo. I have no idea if you'll consider this dark Jak or not... But I'll work on another one too. Anyway that's all. Enjoy!

It's been a year since he escaped the palace. He's changed drastically from the shy mute boy I used to know, But I still love him all the same. Even though I know he is hiding something from me.

"Hey (Y/N), you there?" I see a hand waving in front of my face and I stop abruptly, glancing over at Jak. He looks back at me with a strange look. "You okay? You seemed to be in la la land there," I felt heat rise up to my cheeks.

"I was just thinking about things," I replied without thinking. He raised an eyebrow.

"What things?" I felt my cheeks burn up even more as I avoided his eyes. Shit.

"Things that are none of your beeswax" I smiled nervously and briskly walked ahead of him, turning my head to see Daxter glance at Jak with a wtf look. Jak just shrugged and began walking again.

After a few minutes Jak had caught up to me.

"So where are we going again?" I asked as I looked over to him. He opened his mouth to respond, but stopped in his tracks, glaring at something behind me. I turned around to see a huge swarm of krimson guards charging towards us. I barely had time to react before I felt a hand clasp firmly around my wrist and I was tugged away with such force that I almost fell flat on my face.

"Jak! Hang on I can't run this fast!" I screamed over the gunshots from the ambush behind us. He didn't take any notice, and seemed to run even faster. I sighed and continued to run as fast as I could to catch up to him.

Speeding our way down the streets of haven city, I heard the cries of startled pedestrians. Jak ignored them all and continued to run, turning a corner before stopping so abruptly, I ran into his back.

"Shit" he muttered, releasing his grip on my wrist. I glanced up at the building wall in front of us. I could hear the thundering stomps of the Krimson Guards as they turned into the alleyway. I backed closer to the wall and pulled out my gun from its holster. I could see Jak doing the same, and even Daxter pulled a serious face for once.

"The three of you are under arrest for the violation of-" the Krimson guard was cut off by the gunshots that rang out from mine and Jak's guns. The Krimson Guards retaliated immediately, shooting at us as Jak and I narrowly dodged their bullets. Reality slowly slipped away as all I focused on was shooting and dodging.

Hearing a muffled grunt of pain, I came back into reality to see that Jak had been shot. I attempted to make my way over to him, but immediately hesitated, seeing his pitch black eyes staring back at me. A small gasp escaped my lips as I backed away, running directly into the arms of a Krimson Guard.

"Auahhh!" I yelled out, struggling to escape the grip of the guard. I noticed Jak turn to face us, and he let out a loud growl. The rest of the Krimson Guards tackled him, and I let out a small yell. Suddenly, the pile of guards exploded. Revealing Jak, but it wasn't really him.

Jak's normally cyan eyes were now fully black, and his skin had a purplish tint to it. His greenish-blonde hair had become a light gray, and there were long, black claws pointing out from his fingertips. This monster was complete with 2 large horns coming from his head, and purple sparks surrounding his body. I realized with a jolt that this was the dark monster that people had talked about in town. Jak, my best friend and crush, was a monster that everyone feared.

"Jak?" I whispered. The Krimson Guard holding me snapped back into reality and began to frantically drag me out of the alleyway. Jak- or Dark Jak- ran over at the speed of light, slashing at the guards, blood shooting out everywhere, before finding his way over to the guard who had me trapped in his grip.

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