Jak x Reader - Soulmate AU

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Trudging through the streets of Haven City, my necklace swinging back and forth, I scanned the crowds of the street ahead. A woman stopping mid-step caught my attention. Slowing down, I continued to watch the woman. My eyes fell to the drop-shaped necklace hanging around her neck. It was glowing a bright green colour. Tears were spilling from the woman's eyes as she made eye contact with another man in front of her. Hearing their cries of delight, I rolled my eyes and continued making my way down the street.

Everyone in Haven City was issued one of these necklaces at age 12. These necklaces were filled with a special type of magic that had the ability to track the wearer's soulmate. When I had received my necklace, I was filled with a kind of joy that I had never felt before, and haven't felt since. Years later, and I still hadn't found my soulmate. I was beginning to lose hope.

I continued down the crowded street, absentmindedly fiddling with the jewel hanging from my neck. I stopped in my tracks yet again when I heard a loud crash sound from above me. Snapping my head up, I saw a brightly lit zoomer careening towards one of the buildings further down the street. Curiously, I began jogging towards the crash-site. I was within 50 feet of the fallen zoomer when I crashed into what felt like a brick wall. I stumbled backwards and fell onto my butt.

Dazed, I glared up towards the person who knocked me down. He was well-built, with long, greenish-blonde hair. What really stood out to me was the missing drop shaped jewel around his neck. He extended a hand, a concerned look on his face. Cautiously, I placed my hand in his and the man hoisted me up.

"Hey, you ok?" The man's face merged from concerned to confused, as my eye's went from his chest up to his face.

"Where's your necklace?" I demanded.

"My what?"

"Your necklace. The one that tells you who your soulmate is?" My eyes narrowed slightly at the stranger. His face showed utter confusion as he tried to connect what I was saying.

"I'm sorry, I don't know what you're talking about miss..." The man's voice trailed off.

"(Name)..." I began, lifting the jewel so he could see. "So you're telling me you never got a necklace like the one I'm holdi-" My eyes widened as I stared at the now glowing jewel hanging from my neck. The man's hand waved in front of my face and my eyes snapped up to his. The cyan orbs were staring back at me, swirling with confusion.

"Uhh.... you still with me?" the gruff voice asked. I dropped the necklace, still in shock.

"We... I... well... you see..." I tried explaining, but found myself at a loss for words. The man glanced around the crowds, and stopped a pedestrian. He pointed towards my necklace, and looked back towards the pedestrian. The woman he had spoken to started jumping up and down and congratulating the both of us.

"Woah woah wait. What the hell is happening?" The man asked. His eyes darted from the woman, to me, and back to the woman. The woman finally stopped jumping and tilted her head towards the greenish- blonde.

"What do you mean? You just found your soulmate!" My heart leapt out of my chest hearing those five words said out loud. The man glanced at me, eyes wide, as the woman began to jog away. The man took a few steps towards me, and gently grabbed my hand.

"So, (name)... soulmates?" He muttered, still confused by the whole matter. I glanced down at our hands, and back up to his eyes.

"Well... yeah." A small smile made it's way onto my face. The man's lips curled into a small smile as well as he slowly leaned in.

"Then I guess we're supposed to do this."

As his lips brushed against mine, my heart leapt out of my chest yet again. His hands made their way to my waist as my arms wrapped around his neck. He pulled me closer to him as the kiss deepened. After a minute the man pulled away, resting his forehead against mine.

"By the way, my name is Jak."


Well, I tried.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 03, 2017 ⏰

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