Her Wedding or Mine Part 1 (The Wedding Invitation)

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Her Wedding or Mine Part 1 (The Wedding Invitation)

Ya-c's POV

Late akong gumising kinaumagahan.. Ayoko na nga rin yata gumising ehh.. Last night is enough.. Ayoko na..

Pero siyempre hindi pwede.. Kaya tama na ang drama..

I received a text from ate Sam, reminding me about the wedding invitation..

Hayyyy, magpapakasal-pakasal tapos ibang bagay ang uunahin..

So i started facing my laptop.. This is the first time I opened my account since I arrived here. And as expected, maraming messages, most from my two and only girl friends..

Advantage of being far from him, i learned to be friends with others..

So ayun nga.. They are asking how am i, if I'm just fine after seeing him.. They know my past.. I just scroll 'till a message captured my eyes telling that they will be spending vacation here.. Yes they are Pinoy too, half actually..

Honestly speaking, I don't know what to feel.. If I have to be excited, or be worried.. You'll never know how I feel 'till the moment you meet them..

Ok, back to what am I doing, I'm looking for a design of a wedding invitation. I should take as many as I can so they can choose what suits their taste..

If it's only ate Sam's wedding, that won't be a problem. I know her style, an elegant one.. But the problem is, will Ken approve that? Knowing him, he's into simplicity..

Hmmmmm, but on second thought, it's the bride's choice..

"Ok, I think these will do," I said to myself as I saved the tentative designs I made.. Yes, I edited some of the designs I searched on the internet.

I took a quick shower, and get changed. Next step, I'm gonna look for materials, then make samples each of the designs.

After that, I made my way to my sister's  botique..

"Good morning, is Sam there?" I asked the staff nearest to the door.

"Good morning too. Yes mam, she's in her office right now." She answered.

"Ok thanks." Then I walk reaching her office.

"Hey Ya-c!!:) did you received my message?" She excitedly ask me as I enter her office.

"Yeah, that's why I'm here.. I'm gonna show you these." I said as I arranged the print outs in her table.

"Oooohhh, I didn't expect you'll able to do it that fast. Thanks anyway^_^" she said while scanning the papers.

"Actually, I loved the designs," after a couple of minutes of scanning she said. "But I think you have to ask Ken's opinion too. Can you show these to him also?"

Is she serious????

"Right now??" I asked, trying to hide my irritation. She's the bride, she must be the one deciding on that matter. Doesn't she know about it??

"Yeah, tuloy kunin mo na rin yung guest list. I gave it to him, if he wants to add more guests." She said while putting back the designs on the paper bag.

As if I have choice..

I Got the Boy, She Gets the ManTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon