Chapter 4 : The BBQ

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You stood there looking at the four idiots, Tanaka, Nishinoya, Hinata and Kageyama, as they sang about meat. "Sensei, did you not tell them about the Barbecue?" You asked.
"It says meal on the timetable."
"Oh I see."

You look over to see Kuroo chuckling at the four idiot. He catches you looking and gives you his signature sexy smirk. You blush a little and wave at him before he had to turn all his attention back to the match.

You walked over to the team and coach Ukai to discuss a strategy so that they could beat your next opponent, Fukurodani.

~time skip to the BBQ~

You look at Hinata and Kageyama. The faces they were making were hilarious. Everyone was so excited even you. You were hanging out with Yukie, the third year manager of Fukurodani, and the two of you were eating everything. This shocked a lot of people. You and her had become really good friends.

The two of you were eating when you see Kiyoko and Yachi holding two plates full of riceballs each. You and Yukie stole a whole plate each and stuffed the riceballs in your mouths before running to get more meat.

~with Kuroo~

Bokuto had stolen Kuroo's plate and was eating all his food. "Oi! You stupid owl! Give it back!" Kuroo yelled. They started running around pushing people around. Kuroo bumped into Kiyoko but didn't pay much attention to it. That's when Yamamoto, Tanaka and Noya started screaming and ran up to Kiyoko to make sure she was ok.

~back with you~

You watched as Kuroo and Bokuto ran around and it made you giggle. You turned to your left to see Yachi really scared and quivering. You walked up to her and put a hand on her shoulder, startling her. "Yachi are you ok!"
"I-it's just. E-everyone her is s-so tall and s-scary. I can't get m-my hands on a-any food."

You smiled at her and grabbed her plate. You dashed over to one of the grills and took a pile of meat. You handed it back to her. Her face lit up and she hugged you. "Thank you (y/n)!" She let go. As soon as she did there was a bang and you turned around.

~rewind! Back with Kuroo~

Kuroo continued to chase Bokuto. Lev decided to join in and shouted, "Bokuto pass it to me!" Bokuto threw the plate to Lev and he caught it. (How is the food still on the plate? You tell me!) Lev threw it and Hinata caught it. I guess he's joining in too. Surprisingly Tsukishima, Akaashi, Kageyama and Yamaguchi joined in with the mayhem.

Finally Kuroo caught his plate but Lev was having to much fun and pushed Kuroo's back so that he would drop the plate. It worked! Kuroo dropped his plate. Only thing is, Lev pushed him too hard and Kuroo knocked over a table and continued to stumble. The table made a bang noise as it hit the floor.

Kuroo's back was arched forward as he stumbled. You turned around at the noise. Before either of you could process what was happening, you and Kuroo both hit the floor and your lips met.

Everyone dropped what they were doing and stared at the too of you. You! Underneath Kuroo! KISSING!!! Everything was quiet. Everyone's jaw dropped.

Both yours and Kuroo's faces turned as red as his jersey before pulling away from each other. You guys just stared at each other, trying to process what on earth just happened. Kuroo balled his fists and turned to Lev. "LEV YOU'RE DEAD!!!" You sat up and Kuroo ran after Lev. Bokuto, Tsuki, Hinata and Akaashi ran after him to make sure Lev didn't die.

You sat there and the other managers rushed over to you. "(Y/n) are you ok?" Yukie asked. You got up and walked inside. "I'm...full." Yachi was going to go after you but Kiyoko said to give you some time alone.

~Kuroo's POV~

I finally got my hands on Lev and I tackled him to the floor. I grabbed his collar and started shaking him. "You idiot! I'm gunna kill you!" Bokuto, Akaashi, Hinata and Tsuki came from around the corner and pride my hands away from Lev's throat. "Kuroo! Calm down!" Bokuto shouted. "How can I!? Who knows, (y/n) may not want to come near me anymore!" Kuroo continued to struggle when Bokuto finally admitted something.

"It was my idea Kuroo!"

"...what?" He let go of Kuroo and he turned to look at him. "When you and (y/n) went to get us drinks a few days ago we made a plan to get you too together before the end of the training camp. You weren't making a move so I thought you could use a little push. Literally, we were gunna push you into her."

"I was actually in the middle of trying to kiss her that day. But when I was like a centimetre away Hinata interrupted and we took a step back."

All of us glared at Hinata and he jumped. "Anyway Kuroo, if anything, I think you should go talk to her." Bokuto said. "She'll want to hear what you have to say." Akaashi added. "Alright."

I jogged off. "Lev! Don't think your off the hook!" I then ran back to the BBQ. When I got there everyone was still eating but I couldn't find (y/n). "Excuse me Yachi."

"Oh hey Kuroo senpai."

"Hey. Um wher-"

"(Y/n) went inside."


-normal POV~

Kuroo ran inside but then started walking so that he wouldn't startle you. He turned a corner and stopped. You were there buying a drink from the vending machine. Your back was to him so he just walked up behind you. "Hey (y/n)."

You turned around and saw him. He looked at your face and saw that there was still a pink blush on your cheeks. "Oh! H-hi Kuroo." You said with your knees wobbling.

"Umm listen (y/n) I'm really sorry about what happened outside. We were just having a bit of fun together. I guess is got out of hand. I shouted at Lev for pushing me into you."

Kuroo scratched the back of his neck and looked at you. Your head was lowered so he thought you were embarrassed. Then your shoulders started moving and Kuroo heard the sound of giggles coming from you. You looked up at him and smiled. "I guess we could say you 'fell' for me!"

(I know this is cheesy, you have to have some bad jokes though!)

You and Kuroo started laughing. Kuroo eventually stopped but you were still giggling. "It's true though." You stopped laughing and looked at him. "Huh?" He cupped your cheeks and bent down. "I have fallen for you." He whispered before kissing you.

You were stunned for a few seconds before timidly kissed back and snaked your arms around his neck. You shut your eyes and Kuroo smiled into the kiss. He put his arms around your waist and pulled you closer. What a blissful feeling.

You guys had to pull away and as soon as you did you engulfed him in a hug. He was shocked but hugged you back. "We should head back. I'm sure everyone's worried."

"Yeah." Kuroo took your hand and led you back to the yard. Everyone was glad to see that you two were ok. Kuroo told everyone that you were now his girlfriend and you blushed then he kissed your cheek.

Extended ending!

Later on that night, Lev slept peacefully in his bed. A hand grabbed him and covered his mouth. Pulling him away. He was thrown into a room and there stood Kuroo, Bokuto, Akaashi, Hinata and Tsuki (who was dragged along) all giving him a glare (glaring mostly for being woken up so late at night for Tsuki.)

"Time for you punishment."


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