Chapter 7 : Stage 1

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You woke up to the sound of your phone going off. 'Why is my alarm going off? I didn't set one.' You thought and picked up your phone to see what was happening. "Yaku?" You said after seeing Yaku's name on the screen followed by 'is calling'. You picked it up and answered. "Yaku, it's 7 in the morning, what do you want?"
"Ok, firstly it's 9:30. Secondly, I'm calling to ask if I can meet you somewhere at 10?"
"This has Kuroo written all over it."
"Don't worry Kuroo has nothing to do with this." *cough* lie *cough cough*
"All right. How about we meet at that café near the hotel I'm in?"

You got out of bed and quickly put on some clothes before leaving. You walked up to the café gate and found Yaku there. "Hey Yaku." You said and he smiled at you. "Hey (y/n), it's nice to talk to you after so long." You smiled at his niceness and walked in with him and gave your order to the waiter. "So (y/n) about Kuroo..."
"I knew you were gonna ask."
"Sorry you probably don't want to talk about." You reluctantly waved your hands in front of you and stuttered. "It's fine. Don't worry."
"Are you sure?" You nodded and gave him a smile. "In that case, I think you should talk to him-"
"No thank you."
"Do you know how big of a wreck he's been ever since what happened?"
"I'll show you."

Yaku took our his phone and called up Kenma. "Hey Kenma."
"Yaku-Senpai? Do you need something?"
"Is Kuroo there?"
"I'm gonna face-time you and you're gonna fill him."
"We're gonna show (y/n)."

You sat there in confusion before Yaku handed you the phone. You looked at the screen and tried not to laugh at what you were seeing. There in Kenma's house was Kuroo sitting in his couch watching a romantic film while eating ice-cream.

"Kuroo get out of my house."
"At lease open the curtains. You've been sitting in the dark for a whole day."
"You're not my mum and who are you to tell me off when you do nothing but play video games- AHHHHHHHH!" Kuroo yelled once Kenma opened the curtains. He ducked under the blanket he was in and so he didn't notice he was being watched. You noticed the blanket shaking and your face saddened a bit seeing him like this. "Kuroo, you haven't eaten since the match yesterday. Come on."

You'd had enough and hung up. You gave Yaku his phone and you just looked down at the drink you ordered. "He's a mess without you. He even shouted at the girl who forced herself on him after looking for you and in school in front of everyone."
"What do you mean forced?"
"That girl you saw kissing Kuroo was pair up with him in class and they were working on a project. She forced herself on Kuroo when he was distracted."

Your eyes widened and you smacked your forehead. "I'm such an idiot."
"I'm guessing you forgive him then." You nodded and your eyes started watering. You finished your drink, paid and got up. "I'm going to Kenma's house." Yaku smiled at you as you left and then took out his phone. "Hey Kenma."
"Stage one, complete. You know what to do."
"I'm on it."

Kenma put down the phone and went into the living room. "Kuroo get out."
"(Y/n)-san forgives you." Kuroo just perked up and looked at Kenma. "W-what?" Kenma took out the phone and played a recording of you talking to Yaku just now (never trust us short people). Hearing you say you forgave him made him tear up and smile. "Now come on. We have to put Yaku's plan into action."
"What plan?"
"The plan he had yesterday. Now come on."

Kenma opened the front door and walked out. Kuroo came to see where he was going only to find the team in a van with Nekomata driving it. "Kenma? What's going on?"
"Stage two."


Yeah that's right. I'm leaving it there for now cause I'm evil. Muhahahaha!

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