Chapter 6 : Shut Up And Focus!

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The alarm clock went off in the morning and you slammed your hand on the bedside table only to find that it wasn't there. You got up and looked around and found it on the window sill. Oh yeah. I put it there so I wouldn't sleep in... DAMN IT PAST ME!!!

You went to the bathroom and put on a hoodie, skinny jeans and some boots so that you wouldn't really stand out. You grabbed your backpack and pulled out the match timetable. Unfortunately, the team you were getting data on was going up against Nekoma. You felt tears brim your eyes as you walked out of the room and stuffed the paper in your pocket.

Kuroo's POV

I was in a separate gym just practicing blocking and such but I didn't get a good sleep last night. All I could think about was that look on (y/n) face when she ran off. Right now, however, I wasn't upset. No, I was furious. Every time I spiked a ball I would do so with such force; Every time a ball made it past my blocks I would start yelling at myself. Of course the team took notice.

"Kuroo!" Yaku said firmly and I turned to him. "What!?"

"What's gotten into you?"

"Nothing I'm fine." I turned away and practiced my serves. "Kuroo you're a horrible liar! Now tell me what's up! You're scaring Inuoka!"

The team turned to look at the corner of the room where Inuoka was quivering. They all looked back at me and gasped. I was clenching the ball in my hands as tears ran down my face and stained the floor. So much anger was bottling up and I threw the ball at the wall before falling on all fours giving out a loud sob. "Kuroo... What happened?" Kenma asked with a look of concern in his eyes. I sat up and told them all what had happened.

"No wonder she's angry."

"SHUT UP YAMAMOTO!!" Everyone yelled. Yaku came up to me and put a hand on my shoulder. "Kuroo, I can't say that I know what you're going through but right now our team needs you to focus. We need our captain. And after the match I'll help you look for her so you can tell her what's going on."

"I'm in." Lev said.

"Me too."

"Me three."

"I think you could say we're all gonna help you captain."

I looked at my team and smiled. Wiping away the tears I stood up. "I can't say I'll be completed focused."

"Understandable. Now let's go win." Yaku said and the team grinned. I nodded and smirked "Let's do this."


3rd person POV

You got to the gym/stadium and got a pretty good seat in the bleachers. You weren't right at the front because you didn't want Kuroo to see you. Before you knew it the match started and Kuroo was yet to see you. Just seeing the stupid bed head made your blood boil. Oh how you wanted to punch him. Something was off though. Just as he said before, he wasn't completely focused. He was jumping either too late or too early when blocking and was doing lousy receives.

At one point the opposing team's ace was about to spike the ball hard and Kuroo was about to receive it. The whistle echoed through the gym and the other team got their point. Some of the Nekoma members had to hold in their laughter when Kuroo turned around. He got hit in the face with the ball and his nose was now bleeding.

The team told him to go to the infirmary and stay there until his nose stopped bleeding. He sat there on the bed and tilted his head forward when the door opened. He looked up and saw you storming towards him. Just as he was about to say something, he was slapped across the face with you glaring at him. "What the hell is wrong with you?" You shout and grit your teeth. "Your team to out there losing and you just have your head in the clouds! Your team doesn't deserve to lose just because of your stupid actions!"

Kuroo looked at you surprised and held his cheek. There were tears brimming your eyes and you stomped off. It took him awhile to process what happened before standing up and making his way back. The look on his face changed to one of confidence. When he got back to the court the team looked at him and smiled. "NOW that's our captain." Yaku said after seeing him. "Ok guys. Let's do this!"

Time skip

The match was over and Nekoma won. As the team were leaving, Kuroo saw you by the vending machines and ran up to you. "(Y/n)!" He grinned and ran up to you. You took notice of him and he jumped at you to get a hug. You moved out of the way and he fell on his face. "(Y/n)?"

"Just because I helped you in the infirmary doesn't mean I've forgiven you." You trembled.


"I don't want to hear it!" You ran off and of course Kuroo followed you. You ran into the bathroom so he couldn't come in. He began to look around, thinking if what to do, when Yaku came up to him. "Kuroo. Let her be for now." Kuroo simply looked at him when he whispered, "I've got a plan."

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