Imagine: aidan taking you to your trial for your job

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"Babe come it's gonna be ok"

As Aidan said that he pulled you to clothes store so you stopped to only hear him say

"Babe you have to go in its simple"

"That's easy for you to say your an actor and I'm not"

"Yea but trust me it was hard getting this acting job now get your sexy ass in there and get the job and only for 15 minutes"

With that you walked forward to only feel him hit your but so you looked back to only see him smile his beautiful smile so you smiled to only see him mouth go with that you walked in the shops to do your trial.

Aidan's pov
I watched as she walked in to only noticed how sexy and beautiful she looked so I smiled to only hear some fans say

"Oh my goodness Aidan can I please have your autograph"

As they said that I smiled then looked at them then back at Y/N to see her smiling while helping a customer so I said

"Yea sure"

With that they all walked up to me and handed me something to sign for them.

15 minutes later: your pov
You handed the badge back to the person and looked out of the store to see Aidan with fans so you smiled then walked out to only hear Aidan say

"Well my girlfriend is here so I have to go but it was nice talking to you and I love all of you"

With that they all walked away so you walked up to him to only feel yourself hug him and to only feel him hug you back and kiss your head so you looked at him and kissed him then pulled apart to only hear him say

"How did you go"

"I don't know they will call me during the week"

"Ok so do you want to become an actress"

"Hell yes"

With that he laughed then took your hand in his so you held it tightly then walked out, when you got out of the shops you felt the Irish breeze hitting your skin so you moved closer to Aidan to only feel him move you closer and kiss you on the head and to only hear him say

"You did great today babe"

With that you smiled and said

"You have to say that because your my boyfriend but thanks"

With that he laughed then kissed your head then got in the car and drove home.

Sorry if it crappy but please comment what you think and I do take request so please comment what if you want me to make you one and I hope you like it😘✌🏻️❤️💚

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