Having Real Feelings for Fictional Characters

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As you've probably heard before, "It's just a book

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As you've probably heard before, "It's just a book." 

It's not true! Ignore those people. They couldn't be more wrong. Grief is real even of the characters are not (unless you count inside your mind as real). Then, okay. 


You're in your room crying, because an author just destroyed your soul. He/ She just ripped out your heart, threw it down, stomped on it, and then ran over it with their car. 

Think I'm exaggerating? Don't believe me? Then just leave right now. You aren't a true book nerd! 

Enter your mom.

Mom: What's wrong?

Me: I...I...my heart. I'm broken. (sobs loudly) 

Mom: (looking at you very concerned) Honey, you're worrying me.

Me: How could you do this to me Victoria Aveyard?! How could you? What did I ever do to you? 

Mom: (looking even more concerned) Who's Victoria? Did something happen? 

Me: (looking at her in disbelief) Of course something happened! Don't you see my heart lying on the ground in front of you? (You scream out a characters name and sob even more.)


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Mom: .... 

Me: (You clutch the book to your chest) Whyyyyy?

Mom: (she finally realizes what's happening) I'm getting you professional help. 

And the next week you're seeing a therapist. Don't worry, this will probably only happen if you have a really nervous parent. Just kidding...I think. 

Let me tell you, my friends. The feels are VERY real. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise. And congratulations. You are becoming a true book nerd. 

What was the last book that did this to you?

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