Wrong Choice

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* A reader suggested this. Thank you! x
*takes place in MyStreet houses

Laurance, or Garroth?
Aphmau didn't know who to chose. She loved them both. She knew she did.
But who to chose?
She had given them both a shot, but she think she knew who she had in mind.
But what about Laurance?
Garroth could be fine with Cadenza. Right?
And Laurance.. He had no one.
So she picked Laurance.
"I love you," he smiled, pressing her lips to his. She smiled against her first kiss. It felt dull and not like people have described it, but she thought that was how it was supposed to feel.
She thought she was happy.
The next couple of days, she saw Garroth walking alone without Cadenza. He seemed sad, and every day, his hair was messier, longer, and he had bags under his eyes.
And Aphmau still felt love for him. Laurance was just Laurance, but Garroth was.. Different.
"Aphmau." Laurance's voice cut her out of her thoughts. "We need to talk."
She walked over to her boyfriend, sitting across from him on the couch. "Yeah?"
"This is the 9th day you've watched him walk by." He swallowed. "Aphmau, I know you love him."
Her jaw dropped. "Laurance, I--"
"No." He shook his head. "Please don't try to explain. I get it, okay? Just.. Love him. Break up with me when you find the means to do it."
Laurance stood up, and gave half a smile. "He's been talking to me, but I'm going to give you up. He owes me a damn lot."
"Laurance.." She choked on her words and stood up and hugged him. "T-thank you. You really care about him."
"And you." He sighed, wrapping his arms around her. "So I'm willing to set you free."
They said their goodbyes and Laurance left. They were still together, but not really.
She checked the time. It was 12:32 A.M.
Garroth was walking out this late?
Aphmau shook her head and yelled her good nights to her roommates and went into her room, falling fast asleep.
But Garroth? His world was crumbling.
He thought he could get over it, but he's practically broken every plate and cup in their house. He's also broken a few picture frames.
He was happy that Aphmau was happy, but he just wished he was the one making her happy. His life was a mess.
He saw Aphmau watching him walk, but he didn't care. He walked so he wouldn't be forced to break something else.
How were you supposed to heal a broken heart?
He checked his phone. It was 3:52 A.M. He still couldn't sleep.
His phone suddenly rang, with the contact name of: Aphmau <3
He shakily pressed answer and raised the phone to his ear. "A-Aphmau? What are you doing this late?"
She was crying. "C-can I come over?"
"T-to talk to Laurance? He's not here--"
"No." She sniffed. "To you. Can I?"
"O-of course." He nodded.
"Be right over." She hung up and ran out her door and across the street to where Garroth was waiting for her.
He opened the door and let her in. She was barefoot and her hair was in a ponytail and messy, but she never failed to look like a Goddess.
She stumbled to him and threw her arms around his neck, sobbing.
He froze. The woman he loved; the woman that rejected him, was hugging him. Did he push her off? Did he hug her?
He hugged her. He hugged her tighter than he ever could.
"I broke up with him," she sobbed. "I made the wrong choice. I don't love him."
"W-what?" He asked, staring down at her. She looked up, her beautiful caramel eyes clouded by tears.
"I love you." She whispered, shaking her head at him. "I love you, Garroth."
Piece by piece, his world was being glued back together. He felt his heart mending together.
He leaned closer to her. She felt his breath on her lips, and wanted to close the distance between them.
"I love you too, Aphmau."
He slammed his lips onto hers, and she felt the sparks everyone went crazy over. He felt them, too. And they both didn't want them to end.
They eventually both pulled away and stared at each other, breathless.
"Do you really love me?" She asked, her eyes wide with hope.
"I do," he shook his head. "I do. I love you so much."
"Good," she smiled. "Because I finally felt the sparks. I'm finally in love."

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