Locked Doors

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   Garroth sat on the opposite side of the couch of his crush, Aphmau. Of course, she was bouncing on the couch. She was always so happy.
   Garroth was 17, and so was Aphmau. They were at their friend Laurance's party.
   Everyone in the room knew Garroth liked Aphmau. She was just so oblivious.
   "Hey, guys!" Dante smirked. "Let's play truth or dare."
   Everyone agreed, including Aphmau. Garroth said okay too, just because she was playing.
   "Garroth. Truth or dare?" Dante snorted.
    "D-dare?" He asked.
    "Hmm.. This is so hard." He rolled his eyes, smirking. "I dare you to go into Laurance's room with Aphmau. Oh, and you HAVE to tell her."
   Garroth's face heated up, and Aphmau stopped bouncing.
   "Why?" She asked. "Tell me what?"
    "Because I dared him to." Dante laughed. Laurance scoffed and everyone else just stared at them.
   "Okay." Aphmau shrugged. "If it's what he was dared."
    She grabbed Garroth's hand and pulled him up, making his jaw drop. Dante whooped and Laurance laughed, staring at Garroth.
   "It's not that big of a deal, right?" She asked as they walked into Laurance's room. He shut the door behind him. 
   "I-I guess n-not." He swallowed. He sat down on Laurance's bed, but something caught his attention. The lock was slowly turning, locking in place from the outside.
   He got up and tried to open the door, but there was something heavy in front of it.
    "That doesn't matter." She smiled. "What did you have to say?"
   "U-u-uh," he turned around, his face growing red. "I-I.."
    "Yeeessss?" She walked up to him, placing a hand on his shoulder. "Are you alright?"
   He suddenly felt a surge of confidence, and he smiled at her. He didn't know what was happening to him.
   "Yeah. I am." He grabbed her arm and lightly pushed her against the wall, making her stare with wide eyes at him. "I wanted to say that I like you."
    She coughed. "Y-you mean.. Like-like?"
   He laughed softly, his face getting closer to hers. "Yes. I 'like-like' you."
    "Then kiss me, you idiot." She smiled.
   "Gladly." He smiled back and pressed her lips against hers, kissing her.
    "Wow." Garroth heard Travis's  voice. "Man, someone should put me and Katelyn behind locked doors--"
   He heard a slap, and Aphmau and him broke apart. The door was wide open, and people were peeking in.
Travis was holding his cheek, and Katelyn looked furious.
    He laughed, shaking his head and looking back to her.
    She smiled back, still pushed against the wall. He backed up at let her go, but she only wrapped her arms around him again.
"I like closed doors."

  * don't have a dirty mind xD

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