Contest Winners!

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Hello everyone!

Now, before I start, I just want to say something.

Thank you SOSOSOSOSOSOS much to everyone that entered. I could sadly only pick three winners but all of you did amazing and were so brave to enter. Thank you so much!

It means a lot that you guys wanted to enter. Seriously.

Anyways, this was really hard to pick. I had a tie in mind but I literally re read all of your guy's one shots like 3 times each.

There were about 21 entries. Oh, gosh.

It took about an hour to do in all, and I have like four pieces of paper full of notes and my summary thoughts on your guy's one shots.

Then I--

I'm rambling. You guys just want to hear the winners, right?!


Alright, so here they are!

1st place: @Pbtastic

2nd place: @LiliacStories

3rd place: @Marzings

Congratulations! You guys all did amazing.

@Pbtastic I will follow you soon after this chapter comes out. Also, you'll receive your one shot posted in my book. (If you could copy the whole one shot and private message it to me, that'd be great :) )

@LilacStories for the second place prize (a book that you'd like me to read) either private message me the book or link it to me. :)

  @Marzings you'll receive your shoutouts soon. :D (as well as 1st place and second place winners)

  Thank you all seriously so much for entering! You guys don't know how much it means to me.

  I'll be having more contests soon and more opportunities for you to show your skills, so stay tuned!

  Much love <3 <3

  Until next time,


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