12 boys & Me- My Sickness

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A/N: Sorry, there weren't any funny parts, I'll try my best to make one.

Chapter 6: My Sickness

Yoona's POV

*Shuts the alarm clock, and stoods up with a huge yawn, and a lightning strucked hair*

I headed inside my own toilet, which was inside the room as well, it made it easier for me since i didn't have to go downstairs. As i went out of my room, wearing a pink long sleeved sweeter and jeans that are long. 'Where am i?', I asked myself confused,because earlier i thought i was still at my aunt's apartment.

Reality awoke my sleepy eyes, when i remembered i was gonna be living with twelve bad boys, starting today. As i walked towards the huge kitchen, feeling tired after coming down from the long stairs. As i opened the door, i saw 24 eyes staring at me -people have two pairs of eyes, there were 12 people so its 24.

They stared at me, while they were on the kitchen table. Seems like they were having breakfast. I stood there shyly, and thought to myself, 'Great, wrong door, hehe....Pabo! its too awkward, someone save me...'. They all then continued eating. Finally, as i took a piece of bread from a basket, Chanyeol said to me rudely "Hey, Jimin...don't you dare eat that! if you dare i will kick you...".

I was confused, and well scared , because the tone of his voice was scarry. I putted back the bread back to where it was,and decided to head back to my room. As i shutted the kitchen door slowly. Before heading my way up to my room, i heard one of them say, "See how stupid she is...hehe...", Xiumin said, while they all laugh and Tao continued "Guess she's a scaredy cat...nice going Chanyeol, i don't even know why she got scared! ". "It was my normal voice! and that was the last piece!", Chanyeol said. They all laughed again.

That is when i decided not to head upstairs in my bedroom, i opened the kitchen door again, and said nervously "Umm...Are you guys hav-". Great, Kai interrupted me and said "We are what?, can you speak faster, i can't understand what your saying, slow talker...". 'Babo! [stupid], Yoona! why didnt you just head back to your bedroom, where you wouldnt be embarrassed', I thought to myself.

"I.. am n-not a sl-slow talker!", I said nervously. "Yeah, I know, here have some...", Tao said. As i was about to get the piece of his bread, he quickly stuffed it in his mouth and said with his mouth full," T-ou Slo-u", I guess he meant that i was too slow. I then noticed they were all laughing at me. I asked this time gaining a bit of confidence, "W-whats so funny?". "You!!! Pabo!", Chanyeol said. "You better buy your own food, this is ours...", Lay said. The kitchen was filled with laughter, so i decided to head back to my room.

I thought hard about it, i can sense that they were still making fun of me, they were meanies and big bullies, i cannot handle stuff like this. It was already 12:30pm i had not yet eaten anything and i was so hungry. It was bad though, i should have brought food with me. You see, i was Hyper acidic, if i don't eat on time, i might either faint or have appendix or die.

That is why i always eat on time, but since no one, dared to let me eat,i am here to suffer and plus i am starving to death.


Sehun's POV

It was already, 2:30pm , the girl Jimin, hadn't had her both her breakfast and lunch, i was quite worried. She had not come down yet, since we embarrassed her, on her first day. She was fun to play with though, i felt pity towards her, she looks innocent.

The other members were hanging around busy,my boys , Xiumin, Chen, D.O, Lay and Kris, where with me on the living room, while my rival the arrogant idiot Luhan was with his boys, Tao, Chanyeol, Baekhyun,Kai and Suho, where at the game room next door.

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