Facts about spiderman before reading

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Peter Parker was on a school field trip to a science lab when he was bitten by a radioactive spider. The next day he woke up with spider powers. It took Peter some time to figure out all his powers and what to do with them. First he wanted to get revenge on those who killed his Uncle Ben. Later, he remembers his Uncle's words "with great power comes great responsibility" and he decides to use his powers for good to protect the people of New York from crime. He also designed the Spider-man costume to protect his identity. Spider-man has super strength and spider-like abilities. He can easily climb most anything including glass walls or tall buildings. He has "spider-sense" that alerts him to enemies or danger. He also can shoot spider webs from his wrist allowing him to create webs to trap criminals, grab items from a distance, and swing from building to building.Spider-man was one of the first teen superheroes who wasn't a sidekick. He had to learn how to deal with growing up and at the same time having super powers.

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