Chapter 5

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(Peter's POV)

I was literally running for my life because an humongous black bear was running full speed after me. "AHHHHH," I yelled while I running. Then, because luck was on my side, I fell. SPLAT. I groaned as I realized that I had face planted right into mud. EW! While I was rubbing it off with this weird shaped leaf my face was getting itchy..... SUGAR HONEY ICED TEA IT 'S POISON IVY! How could I have been so stupid. 

30 minutes later

I have finally made it out of the woods and somehow I lost the big bear during it. When I turned around to look back into the woods I was surrounded by the Avengers. "Really guys? I know that you probably want my autograph and all but I don't think that stalking is necessary."

(Bruce's POV)

When that Peter kid told me I needed anger management classes I was so close of attacking him but, Steve held me back and said stop it you to we need to come together as one.

(Peter's POV) 

I was so confused when Captain American said ""stop it you to we need to come together as one" Wait what do you mean together as one. Why am I in this ? Wait before you answer that I need explanations NOW! First off WHY DID YOU KIDNAP ME? Second WHY DOES HULK SMELL LIKE MY AUNT MAY'S COOKIES WAIT DO YOU EAT HER? AUNT MAY ARE YOU OK IN THEIR? THIRD WHY AM I EVEN HERE IN THE FIRST PLACE? 

"I didn't eat her but her cookies are really good," Bruce said.

I know right! Wait, stop trying to distract me! Just answer my questions, please?

"I will but will you first tell us what's on your face," said Steve. 

SUGAR HONEY ICED TEA! I forgot I had poison ivy on my face "Well you see its a bit of a long story. I was running through the woods and I face-planted in some mud. So, me being me, took this random leaf and started to wipe my face with it. And that is why I really need some ointment for it so I don't scratch half my face off. Any of you guys happen to have any?"

"Back at our place we have some. You first have to come with us back to the place with us and then we will answer your questions," Natasha said.

No I will not go back with you guys because wouldn't that be kidnapping me again. I started to run away again but I was then picked up by hulk and put onto his back. Right then and there I knew right then and there was no other way of getting off this big green monster so I just gave up. 

15 minutes later...

I was finally let down from the hulk's back and it felt good to stretch my arms and legs. 

(Steve's POV)

"OK  now lets get down to business."

"The reason why we kidnapped you is because....... you took our cat snuffles and you are going to be our new Avenger!"


(Peter's pov)

I FAINTED... and then dreamed about the guacamole song.





Sorry this chapter was so short. Hope you guys liked it! Comment and Vote about what our next chapter should be! (Cat was being weird in class today and started singing the guacamole song. I'm not sure why she added it in here but whatever. I added the video incase someone didn't know what the song was.) 

~Molly & Cat



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