Chapter One

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Spiderman (aka Peter's) POV

After Gwen's death I really wasn't the same. I stopped going on my routes and stopped putting on my mask. After her funeral I had thrown my suit into the back of my closet.

Now I mostly laid in my bed only getting up to go to the bathroom, to get a drink and occasionally eat something. I can tell Aunt May's getting worried. I heard her talking to one of her friends about getting me out of the house to visit a shrink.

Today was especially bad for me. It's the anniversary of Gwen's death. I don't sleep the night before or the night after. Actually, I never sleep. Whenever I sleep I see her, falling just out of my reach. I should have been able to save her.

In the morning I had woken up, got dressed and walked out the door to the nearest flower shop to get a bouquet of red roses. After I continued my walk to the graveyard.

When I got there I placed the flowers in front of Gwen's grave and sat down in front of it. "Hey Gwen. I uhh... I really miss you. Life's been hard. Aunt May thinks I should visit a shrink but how would I explain that I was spiderman. I know that people still count on me but I just can't Gwen. I can't," I trail off with a sob.

I sit with my back to Gwen's grave and bury my face in my hands. I sat there for a while, with my face in my hands when my spidey senses started tingling.

As subtlety as I could I looked up and glanced around. To my right there was a guy standing over a grave wearing glasses and a baseball hat. It looked like he had a backpack under his jacket so I immediately deemed him suspicious. I continued to glance around and I noticed another guy a few graves back standing with a red head girl.

After seeing these people I got up and started to walk away towards my house. Still my spidey senses were tingling and I didn't understand why. Still, I looked behind me and noticed the man with the glasses and hat following me a few paces back. Ok.... this will most likely end in a kidnapping.

I glanced across the street and I noticed the red head and her lover walking in pace with me. I got an idea and thought eh why not, I got nothing to lose.

I turned into an alley and climbed up the wall into a hidden place. Sure enough, the guy with glasses was following me. I quickly jumped down and shoved into the wall. "Who the hell are?! And why are you following me?!" he just stared at me. "Who are you!" I yelled while shaking him a bit.

"Alright, alright! Just calm down and I'll tell ya!" he yelled back. I stepped back a little bit. "Talk. Now."

"I knew Gwen. I'm a uh... cousin." I just looked at him and raised an eyebrow. "Ok sure. Let's say I believe this," I said back, playing along, "who is your mother? Because if your her cousin then your mom would be Gwen's aunt."

"Oh and by the way," I said to the guy, "you can tell the red head and her lover to come on over as well because I don't want to have to repeat myself."

" fine." He motioned to them and they ran across the street. "Ready?" I asked. They all nodded.

"Look. I don't know who you guys are but stop following me. I know that you guys have followed me before but today is the last straw. I mean really? You followed me to a graveyard? What kind of people are you guys? Just stop. Got it?"

They nodded so I walked out of the alley and started towards Aunt May's house to hopefully sleep without any nightmares. Doubtful though.

Hey guys! Hope you liked reading it. BTW even though Andrew Garfield is playing Peter in this story he doesn't make his own webs like in the movie. So its more biological, I guess.

~Molly & Cat

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