Chapter three

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Peter's POV

The next day I decided to go out. I wanted to see if the people were still following me and I needed some fresh air. As I walked down the street my stomach rumbled. Wow. I guess there's a first time for everything. Well let's go look for a place to eat.

I continued down the street to a little cafe that looked nice. It wasn't that busy and it looked decent. I walked inside and walked up to the counter to order some food. At the counter was a lady who looked happy when I walked through the door.

I sat down at an empty booth and started to think about what I could do to get rid of my problem. Maybe their is a friend I can go to? No I lost most of them after Gwen's death. I continued to think until I thought of something. Gwen's "cousin" could help me out with this problem.

And that was when some people who looked like they had come from a comic book decided to come into the little cafe.

Bruce POV

We walked into the cafe after we had been tracking Peter from a safe distance so we wouldn't spook him like Steve had yesterday.

"Steve if Fury wants him so badly why can't we just kidnap him? It would probably make our lives less boring because I hate stakeouts."

"Bruce, Fury said that he has to come with us willingly. If we kidnap him he might view us as an enemy. But if Fury tells us to kidnap him then that is what we will have to do." "Fine."

Then Fury called. "Speak of the devil.." Steve said then answered his phone. "What Fury." 

I couldn't here Fury but I assumed that he wasn't saying what Fury wanted him to here. "Fine Fury, we'll get the boy.." Steve said, unhappily.

"Fury wants us to kidnap him. Now."

Peters POV

Gwen's "cousin" just walked in and then just disappeared in seconds. I wonder how he did that? I just sat there for a few minutes then I heard them I heard them talking about a boy. I listened for a little while then I realized.. the boy was me!

But wait they can't just kidnap me in plain sight. Won't it look suspicious and someone will call the cops? Better be safe then sorry.

I decided to walk out of the cafe and back to Aunt May's house even though she is probably working.

Steve's POV

OH SUGAR HONEY ICED TEA  he heard us thanks for talking so loud Bruce now we have to come up with a new idea.

Well I guess we are just going to have to kidnap him at his aunt's house

"I also heard that she makes awesome chocolate chip cookies can we take some pleaseeeeeeeee" said Bruce

"Fine but grab two for everyone because there is milk back at my house" said Steve.

"Yesssss thank you" Bruce said.

6 hours later

3rd Person POV

"Alright guys we don't know what we are up against" Steve said to the team. "Can we just get inside, have some cookies and get Peter," Tony whined. "If it will get you to shut up then lets go," Natasha said.

They walked into the house and looked around for Peter's room. They walked in and then you would never believe what happens next.....

Peter wasn't in his bedroom.

Sorry guys I had to leave you on a cliff hanger just school has been really mean to us these past couple of weeks and its just crazy. We will update as soon as possible! 

~Molly and Cat!

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