Challenge One -- Reaping Day

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T A S K  1 :  R E A P I N G  D A Y

TASK: write a short chapter about your reaping day in your respective districts. From the reaping to the goodbyes (in each respective justice building)

Submit your short chapter via DMing or PMing it to us XD

You can write it as long or as short as you'd like, and submit any alliances to us! :D

Make sure you have fun! XD and if you would like to drop out because we took so long then... You can't! *pouts in a corner ;~;*

We will grade your writing based on:

Creativity ~ /10: how creative are you? How have the districts changed? Do the districts remain the same as described in the books? Has the reaping system changed?

Descriptions ~ /10: are your descriptions good? Were they descriptions? XD

Grammar/Writing Quality ~ /10: Is your English proper (teehee~)? Are your punctuations placed in the right places?

It will be /30 inclusive of public votes :3 winner of each task will gain a free sponsor item once the actual 'game' starts ^^

If you are interested in being a sponsor, comment below or pm/dm us :D

Hopefully everyone will participate!

Due date: March 5th (Please submit your short chapter by then)

Note: we will not be proof reading any chapters, like we'll read them, but we can't tell you our opinions until it's time (dun dun dun) just to clarify :P

Another note: Try not to write the parts after the goodbyes, we'll be cutting the extra scenes out. You'll only be making allies when we reach the Task set in the Training room, but you guys can arrange it beforehand. Many apologies if we wasted some of your time :( (you can stay allies, just won't be mentioned until later tasks)

Third note: Well, on the topic of sponsors: We'll be posting a chapter on that later, after the private training. (Unfortunately try not to plan ahead for this)

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