Reaping Day -- District Twelve Male

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Gray Sparrows, District Twelve! Hope you enjoy this! Scores will up soon.

I lifted my head up in wake to the smell of burning fire. It was sour, and smoky. I nearly expected the smell of death along with it. I guessed that was only my dream. I saw a shabby house, ragged pieces of wood and a mangled door in front of me. It was a good time to go inside. Almost as soon as I entered, the first thing I noticed isn't the grey, cracked wooden wall in front of me. Not the creaking floor that shudders violently with every step I made. Not even the portrait of a man and woman on the wall. It's grey and old, I can't even describe it. Not in my dearest dreams. But the first thing I noticed was an unusual sound in District 12, and especially in my house. I heard a couple shrill giggles. I was in a pleasant surprise. Giggling was rare in Panem, especially today. Today was the reaping, and my siblings were dressed up nicely. Looking over, Luke wore a brown checkered shirt and weathered khakis- not too shabby to us. He was chasing Mistle with a cheerful expression. His nice, dark hair waved as he sprinted. Mistle, the youngest sister, wore a small laced dress, yellow cloth being the main material. She ran away, giggling, as her deep brown curly locks bounced. It was only a bit dirty. Marly, my 13-year old sister, looked longingly out the "window hole" in her pink gown. Her blonde hair was indeed odd among us. I looked at her sadly, and noticed what she was doing. She was twiddling with her fingers nervously, desperately wishing she could leave Panem forever. She was scared, afraid. I'd seen the look in many others her age. As I grinned, my lips curled above my gums, and she was used to it. I grasped her arm. "Marly, there's such a slim chance you'll get picked," I reassured her. Her eyes still showed shadowing darkness. The younger ones stopped as they noticed the shadow looming over us all. She gave a sorrowful sigh. "It's not that." Her grunts actually saddened me, despite I've heard it before. "It's the fact that an innocent child has to get quickly. Another rumor floating around- the current method would soon cease to exist in District 12.

"Now drink," boomed the loudspeakers as a man began to drawl out about the history of the games and whatnot. I've heard the speech before. I've also heard there would be someone who hand-picks the tributes instead of our more harsh picking. So many rumors, no evidence. What do I believe? I took a sip of the fruity drink, shivering at its bitter-sweet taste. Tasted like revenge. I wasn't sure if I should swallow it or spit it out. If I spat it, though, the Peacekeepers would shoot me in the head. Luckily, after I had drank the entire glass, nothing happened. However, I couldn't say this for sure for everyone I knew. A girl I recognized as Harper Kline was unconscious on the floor, breathing steadily. Same drink. There was also a kid named Eston Janes, sleeping. He was Marly's best friend. I held back sorrow as I saw Peacekeepers lift them up. "NOOOO! ESTON!" That was Marly, of course. I winced and was about to go stop her. But I was too late. She lunged forward, drooling and angry-eyed. BOOM. She fell in a bloody heap. I gasped. Horror. Hatred. Sickness. Nausea. Sadness. Pain. Regret. Hurt. Blankness. Death. Disappointment. Sorrow. Mourning. Unbelieving. There was no way to describe how I felt. My tears broke through the net. I had to start what she finished. I had to play this game. I glanced at a girl, my best friend Jay. She caught my gaze, showing back horror. She didn't want me to do it. She knew she had to take care of them, forever if I died. Also, she didn't want to lose me too. I had no choice. I grasped my tablet, gingerly picking it up. Luke shook with fear and shock. I almost burst out crying harder. But I swallowed the salt. I swiped my finger... I had volunteered. "A volunteer!" boomed the Head Peacekeeper, Sans. "Well, well..." he was looking at a tablet, probably looking at my relationship web. An evil grin and glare proved me right. It was thrown into an arena!" She grabbed a blue-and-white floral vase. "Innocent..." she growled as she smashed it against the wall. The small pieces made a light and hollow sound as they lost grip with each other. The floor was covered in the sharp, deadly dust.

I scolded with a growl, "Marly!" Sadly, I understood that she couldn't be scolded. Once you're eligible for the games, your mind never goes back to its carefree place. The injection breaks you. Sighing, I pulled up the sheet covering several bowls. There was a bit of grain, bread, and stew. I rolled a few berries onto the plate. Marly was still in the corner. "Come eat," I ushered. The younger ones came hastily, Marly more hesitant. We sat around the breaking wooden table, eating silently. I could admit it was the most delicious thing I've had, but the injection prevented me from feeling. It made all of us angry, for no reason at all. Other than that the Capitol wanted us on our most edgy and confident mood. More of a show. I remember my first injection. The worst day of my life, even worse than my parents' deaths. The needle was no reminder, however much it was. It was death. The liquid coursing throughout my veins was pure evil. It made me rude to my siblings. It was developed when Mistle was only 1, and she hadn't understood why I was yelling at her. After the incident, I was away from my siblings for a long, long time. I destroyed parts of the wall. Some things were unable to be fixed, including my own injuries. I'd destroyed a muscle, nerve- something. It makes my lips go to the top of my gums when I smile. To kids, I'm a horror story. They scream, they scream. They're mortified... absolutely mortified. I didn't talk a lot since. If I talked to anyone other than my siblings, it slipped out slowly in a strange mutter, a stuttering mess. I inserted random phrases. It creeped people out. Nobody understood me as I said, "C-can... help me... y-y-you poi-poi-point me to the H-Hob-b... help please..." Only I understand the understood speech. How can you fully understand what's only partially said? You cannot, sadly. It's impossible. You can't read a mind- unless you're the Capitol. The injection- I thought that's what had stolen my heart away. They were thieves of my nightmares. In two years, I might have be alive to watch my only brother writhing on the floor, despairing, tortured, even... even dead.

I shook it out of my head as I slammed my silverware back on the table. I seem to have finally caught the attention of Marly. Maybe she was dying inside because of that, too. Such a crime cannot be fully described. The Capitol... I could've sang about the hate I held for them. A whole song. And the whole of Panem would either hold their ears, or die. Die a painful death of noises they wished they'd never hear. Everyone finished as I quietly said, "Let's go." We walked out the splintered door and into the air, littered with lingering coal dust. I could smell the scent of a child's death. Too bad I had no idea what was in store.***************************** As soon as we arrived, the Capitol stood at the the District 12 building. The crowd had lots of citizens swimming about it, but also was flooded with Peacekeepers. Rumors were going around that most of them were going to District 11. Good riddance. I felt bad for District 11, if the rumors were really true, but protecting my siblings is much more important. For now, though, we were stuck with the so-called "Peacekeepers". They keep silence, but silence is sometimes deadly to more than whom it was caused from.

"Hand," the Peacekeepers repeated as I moved up the line. Luke stood with Mistle, and Marly on her own. When I was at the front, they repeated. "Hand." I held out my hand, and they pulled out a syringe, extracting blood through a needle. I winced as they pulled it out, hurrying to the mass of people with the crowd.

Not much longer, the ceremony started. A tablet and drink was passed out to everyone, very quickly replaced with a happy one. "Gray, come on and let's go!" I ran over to him, and Peacekeepers followed me. "Nobody will ever hear that you volunteered. At least, it won't be in history books." he whispered in my ears, a wide fake grin. My eyes widened.


They asked me if I wanted to talk to anyone. I shook my head 'no'.

"Sir, you have several requests," they argued, trying to make me agree. I shook my head again.

"Tell them to ask me... when they won't hear my final words and I'm dead on the floor. Which is going to happen. Tell them to talk to me at my grave." I knew the words were a death wish. "I don't want to break their hearts further. I know there will be shattered hope." I pushed away and ran into the train.


Daphne Ametza and Gray have agreed to be allies. We have consented.

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