Three Words.

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You were tense at first but you slowly melted into it feeling her soft lips against yours. Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god. Why'd she do this? Lets just say you were internally and externally freaking out. She finally pulled away and looked away, she was blushing a very deep blue. What do I do? What do I say? "U-uh Vriska wha-" I was cut short "Look, you're really nice and I just... I wanted to see what it was like..." She didn't look up at you she kept her eyes glued to the floor. You felt a somewhat surge of confidence, although your face was still bright red. You moved closer to her and placed your hands on both of her cheeks and gently lifted her head so she looked at you. She blushed even deeper as you both made eye contact. You slowly leaned in and placed a kiss softly on her lips, she leaned in as well. You don't know why but each time you kissed her you got butterflies in your stomach. A warm fuzzy feeling, you've never felt something like this. I just hope she feels it too... You both broke away and made eye contact once again. "Vriska you don't know how happy this has made me." You whispered. What am I saying? Oh god I'm embarrassing myself. She suddenly wrapped her arms around the back of your neck and hugged onto you and leaned close to your ear. "I think I... I think I love you. I keep getting this warm, fuzzy feeling in my stomach...."She hugged onto you tighter. You then wrapped your arms around her, and whispered back "I... I love you too Vriska." A smile appeared on your face, in the moment something wonderful had started.

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