am i happy?

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'she was powerful, not because she wasn't scared but because she went on so strongly, despite the fear' 

- Atticus.

PEOPLE have demons. You'd try to figure them out, but to no avail. When you see a smile, you know it's not real. When you hear a laugh, you know it's forced. People with demons, aren't real.

The eyes gave it away.

To - Emmie Smith.
SENT - 3:00PM.

'How can you make someone happy, if they didn't think they'd deserve it?'


To - Anonymous.
SENT - 3:10PM.

'Persistence. Trying everyday I was with them, to make them believe that they do deserve it. No matter what they've done or been through, it wouldn't matter. I'd be there for them, whenever they needed me.'


To - Emmie Smith.
SENT - 3:15PM.

'You're perfect, you know that right?'

The Anonymous Text.Where stories live. Discover now