Chapter 15

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Reader's POV

As you sat at Fairy Tail's bar, drinking (Favorite Drink), you were still astonished and thinking about mating season. All the dragon slayers have been acting weird around you.

You decided to take a walk to clear your mind. You walked outside and was immedientaly was pulled into a hug by the bright sun.

The sun tanned your skin, making it hot. A nice breeze flew by, whispering in your ears. You walked over to a sakura tree and picked up a petal from the fountain underneath.

You let out a soft sigh, thinking about making season.

After waiting for about an hour, you decided to ignore the dragon slayers. As you walked back, you thought about what would happen.

Chuckling to yourself, you opened the door and saw relieved dragon slayers. They bombarded you with questions, not able to wait for the answers.

You shoved them slightly to your side. So much for ignoring them. You decided you ignore them at the very moment.

And at that moment, a chair came your way. Not as in being moved but as in being flown.

It hit the back of your head, causing you to flinch. You recovered but still felt the lingering stinging sensation.

You slowly turned on your heel. There at the guild doors stood a pissed Yukinno. She looked like she witnessed murder.

She pointed a finger at you, both of you trying to keep a stoic face. Suddenly, Rouge and Sting attempt to drag Yukinno, but no avail. You hadn't even noticed them.

She got out of their grasp and summoned Pisces. It charged for you, while you stood there. At the last second, you move exactly eight centimeters to the left, avoiding the attack.

They hit a pole and left. Yukinno looked at you and yelled nonstop.

"You took Sting and Rouge from me I'm going to-" she was cut off by you throwing a sword near her face.

"Sorry I saw a fly. Named Yukinno. Seemed shy and nice. I hated it. Had to get rid of the annoying thing, ya know?" You harshly said.

Yukinno didn't budge. Everyone was holding in laughter. As for you, you held a stoic face and got your new drink, that had been ordered before.

You stood innocently, but never felt worse. You didn't quite like Yukinno and you'd be lying if you said you didn't think she was annoying, but this was over the top.

She left. Following her was Sting and Rouge, who turned left to go shopping.

Although now everyone thought you had some spell on you, to take all the dragon slayers. But you didn't even do anything.

You knew all about mating season, because it was required to know for your former guild-type group. You never did participate in the activities that you read about.

'Why do they like you anyways?' Thought every single girl that liked a dragon slayer. They wanted to fight, a bloody fight. But you being the nice person you are you would normally never do something such as that.

But hell you were more than willing.

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