New Recruit

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FYI This is an adorable picture. Chibi images are cute so don't judge me!

Deadlox's P.O.V

"So you're gonna do it?" Jason asked me. "For the millionth time Jason... Yes!" "Dude, she's been hanging with us for a month and been training with Seto for two weeks." Adam pointed out. "Are you absolutely sure she's ready?" "Well, Seto said she wanted to join Dead Army and that she looks and fights ready"

Pheona's P.O.V.

"Hey sis!" Seto knocked on my door. "Are you ready yet?" "Yeah, coming out now!" I grabbed my enchanted sword and walked out, blocking Seto's attack magic. "Nice," my older brother said. "You've used that attack magic in me how many times this week?" I asked. "Well, I guess that's true." Seto said. "By the way, Jason came by earlier. He said that Ty wanted to meet you at the Dead Army North Base." "What for?" I asked. "I don't know, all i know is what he told me."

~Time Skip until Pheona is at the D.A.N.B.~

"There you are!" I heard a voice call out. Looking over, I see Ty waving to me. I ran over. "I was wondering where you were." He said. "Well, I don't have Jason's freaking rocket feet, so I can't fly." I said. "Okay, okay." Ty held his hands up in surrender. "Just follow me."

Deadlox's P.O.V.

I lead Pheona through the East Woods of  Dead Army. I was taking her to a training battle ground. She gripped her sword hilt tightly, as if it were to get lost if she didn't hold onto it. "So where are we going?" Pheona asked, breaking the awkward silence that was holding tension in the air. "We're there." I said as we came across a wall of vines. Moving them aside, I stepped through them,holding them out for Pheona to walk under them. "Welcome to Dead Army's East Training Field." Pheona gave me a confused look. "Why am I here." She asked. "I'm not part of Dead Army." "But you want to, right?" Pheona gave me a bewildered look. "Are you serious?!" She asked. "Yep. It's time to test your skill." "How?" Pheona asked. "You'll be fighting," i answered. "Fighting who?" I smirked. "Me."

Pheona's P.O.V.

"Fighting YOU?!" I had mixed emotions about that. Ty was my friend. He was the person I needed to prove myself to. But I didn't want to hurt him. "You ok?" Ty waved his hand in front if my face. I slapped it away. (Quick Reflexes!) "ready?" He asked. "Yah." I see the rest of Team Crafted on a platform. "They will be judging our battle." Ty said. Adam stood up and called out," The rules of this battle re no death, critical damage, permanent damage, or surrenders. First one down is the winner. Ready... Set... FIGHT!"
Ty immediately swung his iron sword at me. I jumped back and unsheathed my sword. The glimmer of enchantment shone brightly in the sun. Ty leaped up and took a swing to my head. I deflected and sent his sword skittering to the edge of the netherack  border of the battlefield. Ty ran over to it. Adam called out, "From now on, you may use anything that falls into the arena!" A bow fell next to me. I picked it up and flipped over Ty before grabbing the arrows behind him. I shot them and their blunt tips bounced off his back. He turned and threw a potion of harming at me. I jumped to avoid it. I looked and grabbed a potion of fire resistance and put a potion of swiftness in my pocket. Ty shot arrows to me. I leaped up and drank the fire resistance potion. Lifting my sword in the air, I landed on the netherack, the Fire Aspect setting the border to flames. I ran around the border, then disappeared in the fire. I came from behind Ty and hit him with the butt of my sword. He fell. "The winner of the battle is.... Pheona!!" Adam yelled.
Everyone cheered an crowded around me. Ty got up and smiled. "Congratulations," he said. "You are now an official member of Dead Army."  Adam nudged him. "And Team Crafted." Ty added. I couldn't believe it. Me? Part of Team Crafted?! I jumped up my sword raised, it's enchantment glimmering.


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