How Ty became Enderlox

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3rd person P. O. V.

Team Crafted was getting ready to fight the Enderdragon.
They had been preparing for weeks. And thought they were ready. Only Ty was nervous. He still didn't feel ready. But he didn't want to drench his friends spirits, so he lied and said he was ready.
Team Crafted defeated the Enderdragon successfully. But when they were jumping into the exit portal, Ty stayed behind. He wanted to patch up his scratch that the Enderdragon gave him. He knew Seto couldn't do anything about, so he thought he would be fine. Until that one night...
Ty was walking around the woods at night. The moon's rays got absorbed by the Infection. You fell to his knees, his heart burning. He coughed up blood. Then, the pain got to it's worse level. He grew black and purple wings and tail. His headphones, which usually had neon green on then, were now a dark, pulsing purple.

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