My life in a Nutshell

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You see when I was younger, all the way until my teen years I was heavily obese. Disgustingly so. I weighed in at 345 at my small height of 5'3 that's extremely dangerous.

My mother of course thought that I was perfect the way I was. She had a heart of gold, but she was also overweight. However she ended up dying a few months after I graduated from heart disease. Just like my father.

I was only 17, as a result of their deaths, I decided enough was enough. I'm not going to tell you I lost weight the healthy way. Nope! With rigorous exercise, and lack of eating I lost 220 pounds. I now weigh a healthy 125. However the side effect of that was me not eating anymore. I tend to forget, food just isn't on my mind.

I was so lost in my thoughts that I didn't realize we pulled up to a restaurant. It wasn't i-hop. I sighed.

"Where are we?" I asked. I reached to open my door, but Gavin beat me to it. Cue the swoon. He's such a gentleman.
I squealed when he picked me up and placed me on the sidewalk. I blushed. I could do it myself. Hmph!

Michael grabbed my hand then he skipped to the door, pulling me along.

"This is my other cousin's restaurant. It just opened." he pushed me inside. Rude! I followed as we were led by a hostess. We were seated at a booth, with me in the middle.

Yippee. I absentmindedly rubbed my baby bump, not noticing the shocked look on the man's face who just came to the table.

I looked up startled when Michael cleared his throat. My eyes widened further as I stared at an identical copy of Gavin. Oh shit, I think I just peed a little.

This couldn't be happening. Oh hell no! Either of them could be the father. Play it cool Dani! Be cool! I stangled my anxiety into submission.

"Hello James! This is my bestfriend Danica. Danica this is my other cousin James." James watched me, his eyes almost predatory. I wiggled in my seat. Smiling politely, I opened the menu, waiting for Michael to pick what I would eat. I hated choosing things, whenever the waiter would ask my mind would go blank, and I forget what I even wanted. James slid in next to Michael. Gavin and James just wouldn't stop staring at me. It was unnerving. Michael smiled at me.

"Do you want me to order or do you know what you want?" His cousins looked at me, confusion on their faces.

"She doesn't like ordering for herself" he told them, they nodded like it was normal for a grown woman not to want to order for herself. I blushed a deep red. He is so honest! Ugh.
I shook my head no. He looked through the menu.

"Hows about some chicken Alfredo?" he asked after scanning the menu. I shrugged, I wasn't going to finish it anyways.

He glared at me. Uh oh. Here comes the mama hen.

"You will finish half of this food Danica. You're not just feeding yourself anymore. Or so help me god I will hurt you." I flinched at his words. Nodding.

"You're pregnant?" James asked me, his brows furrowed. I looked down at the table. Pointedly ignoring him.
Michael grinned. "Yup! I'm going to be a god daddy! " He giggled. But then stopped when a thoughtful looked crossed his features.

"Dani, did you remember to pay your rent?"
Rent? What rent? Fuck! My face paled. Is that why the rent office has been badgering me? I smiled sheepishly at Michael.
He sighed.

"Really Dani? Looks like you'll be staying with me again. But you'll have to look for a two bedroom-"

"She could stay with us." James interjected. I spun to face him. I shook my head but realized Michael wasn't looking at me.
Relief flashed across Michael's face.

"Are you sure? She's quite a handful. Like a child almost. "

Hey! I'm not a child! So I forget to eat, and pay rent. That doesn't make me a child. I crossed my arms with a pout. How dare he.

James smiled at his cousin.

"Don't worry cuz, we'll take care of her." There seemed to be a hidden meaning in his words.

"And we have plenty of room for her and the baby." Gavin murmured watching me. I blushed and looked at the table. At that moment we were interrupted by the waitress who had our food. Wait when did we order? I shrugged. Michael placed my plate in front of me. I stared down at the cheesy noodles with chicken. I grimaced. That's a lot of food. He wants me to eat half of it?!

"Eat." Michael ordered. I stared up at him with watery eyes. He crossed his arms and turned away from me.

"Not gonna work this time honey. You have a baby to feed." he began eating his fettuccine.

I glared down at my food. Michael stood abruptly, switching placed with James. I shivered as James body heat encased me.

"Eat. " James ordered, his eyes hard. I gulped. I wasn't hungry anymore! Gavin slid in closer. His eyes soft and pleading. He picked up the fork, swirling the noodles around it. He placed it at my mouth. I kept my mouth shut stubbornly. Only Michael tells me what to do. James squeezed my chin, forcing my mouth open. Gavin shoved the food in my mouth causing James to release my jaw. I stared at them in shock.

"If you don't chew that food darling, I will bend you over this table and spank you until your ass is red and raw. Do you understand?" He murmured darkly.

My face flushed. Would he really do that? He sounded so serious. I didn't want to find out. I took the fork from Gavin and I ate as much as I could. Almost half of the plate. I looked at James shyly. He smiled in approval causing me to smile. I was happy he was happy. Michael gave me a proud grin. We stood up heading to the door.

"You have a lovely restaurant. " I complimented James. Gavin opened the door. I was about to climb in, but James lifted me into my seat. I inhaled his scent as he leaned across me and snapped my seatbelt. He slid into the seat next to me.

"Where to?" Gavin asked from the drivers seat.

Michael groaned. "Back to work " he grumbled. I sighed, I was tired.

"You don't have too. " Gavin spoke softly.

"We have to meet our boss." I said. Gavin and Michael began to laugh. I blushed, embarrassed. Were they laughing at me? My eyes began to water. Their laughter stopped abruptly when they noticed my watery eyes.

"Calm down sweetheart. They aren't laughing at you. They are laughing because Gavin is the boss." I sniffled. Gavin was my boss? James glared at Michael and Gavin. Quickly silencing them.

"Lets move your stuff into their house. " Michael spoke. I shrugged. Gavin took that as an okay. I began to doze off. James pulled me into his side, allowing me to rest my head in the crook of his neck. I felt so relaxed.

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