young Sirius Black x reader

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You was walking to your potions class when (f/n)stopped you and said "(y/n) do we have to go to lesson, why don't we just skip the lesson" you gasped. "no if Sirius Fucking Black says anything to you. I will fucking punch him in the nose" she chuckled. we walked into class and Sirius Looked me straight in the eye and then looked away.

it was now the end of the class and (f/n) literally sprinted out of class. because Sirius kept calling her a slut, a fat pig and she was a bitch and all sorts of other mean stuff.

he was talking to all his so called friends and you walk up to him and push him. "WTF is wrong with you. you asshole" he looked at me and then he looked at the boys and said "let me handle (y/n) here and I will meet you in the great hall" they all nodded. he backed me up against the wall and said "y/n you have been a naughty girl haven't you" I blushed and looked into his eyes and he looked at my e/c eyes. he started leaning and kissed me and then he put our hands together and our lips moved in sync. then a cough was sounded and we both jumped it was professer slughorn. "get to dinner" we nodded and while we was walking he slapped my bum on the way.

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