chapter o3

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chapter three :
- katwritings ( first half )
- vocalpeter  (second half )

Warnings: Strong language, mentions of abuse, bxb content, graphic deceptions of violence.
(There is a little smutty scene at the end, so, c a u t i o n )

"I was listening to Troye Sivan and Halsey, and now I got a pretty interesting idea for the story line."


After getting so rudely interrupted last week, Evie and Carlos were now sat back on Carlos' bed. This time, they were listening to Carlos' playlist of alternative grunge, the smooth echo of William Beckett soothing his nerves.

Evie kept her eyes on him. Studying his grams and his face. She frowned slightly when her eyes scanned over his nose. It was a fuller purple, the middle was an angry mix of brownish blue that just ghosted from the edge of an ill shade of yellow. His eyes seemed glossed over, heaven forbid he had his nightmares come back.

Having spent almost a year off the Isle, everyone was still adjusting. Of course, Jay had his slip ups, and Mal was still learning to control her magic. Evie was still learning to love herself, though she hadn't had the best help. But Carlos, he still hasn't said anything remotely bad, bus was so unfocused about it.

The boy hissed, Evie filing down on his nail bed a little to harsh. She cringed her apology, which Carlos took wordlessly. Evie soon smiled down as she dusted away the remains with a soft brush.

Carlos hummed, Dude curled up neatly next to him. Never had he shamed so relaxed but tense at the same time. Evie racked her brain at that. She hadn't seen him so frigid since after he started warming up to everyone.

"Are you alright, Carlos?" She asked quietly, not raising her voice above the music. He glanced up at her, all wrapped in vulnerability and insecurity. He shook his head no and sighed heavily. "What's wrong?" She continued, her eyes dosed in concern.

He shrugged, dropping his head against his knee as Evie dug into her bag to pull out the various colours of nail polish.

"Everything is off setting," He said, his eyes focused on her hands as she opened one of the glass tubes. It was an obsidian black, coated in a glaze container.

"Everyone is being so nice because of this.. This lie. And I'm getting treated with respect now," He explained, waving one of his hands around frantically. "If Melanie hadn't posted that, obscene photo of me and Jay, none of this would've happened. And Chad.." He trailed off, shivering at the thought of the older Royal.

"What about Chad?" Evie questioned, tilting her head to the side as she painted a light coat of black on his forefinger.

"Nothing," Carlos quickly shut down all aspects of him, shaking his his head before he spoke again. "Ben wouldn't even have noticed me."

"Why would you want Ben to notice you, 'Los?" Evie quirked, scrunching her nose at the young boy. "He's one of those popular boys, I thought you never wanted to be-"

"Because I used to have this utterly, disgusting, school-girl crush on him," Carlos confessed, a delicate blush coating his cheeks. "And then when I saw him and Mal, I went to autopilot, I just couldn't take it."

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