Ellie Lewis :)

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Hi there I'm Ellie Lewis and I am currently twenty years of age. I am an American girl, but moved to Seoul, South Korea right after college for my job. I am fairly tall, 5'8" to be exact and I have a slim body with perfect curves, but I normally hide them by wearing baggy shirts. My legs are long and muscular, but don't look bad in skinny jeans or so my best friend tells me. I have long straight, dark red hair that goes to the small of my back. People ask me all the time if my hair color is natural and I tell them every single time that it is truly natural, but whatever people can believe what they want to believe. I have Smokey grey eyes and to be quite honest I love them because they are unique. I would like to think of myself as a quite person, who is very sweet to people, but I have a hard time letting them into my true friends circle. I can also be very shy around people especially my fan boys that I seem to collect whenever I go out somewhere. Yet, once I get to know you better and become closer I become talkative and probably a little more hyper. Even though I am shy around people I am very adventurous and can look danger in the eye I guess that is why I am so good at my profession.

I am a scientist, yep and I graduated college a few years early because I was finishing everything so quickly and retained information easily. So I got out almost three to four years earlier than planned. That's ok though because now I have the coolest job ever. I work for Seoul's government in the extraterrestrial branch. Pretty cool huh? I know if I told someone what I actually did they would tell me that I am wasting my education that I had just received, but what they don't know is there truly is other species in this world besides us, but we can talk about that later I am suppose to be telling you about me instead of telling you all about aliens. Let's just say I am the person who surveys them and tries to see if they can understand us.

Both my parents work in the science branch. My father is an actual scientist while my mother is a well known veterinarian that travels the world and is consulted by many other vets when they have no clue how to treat something. So I guess science runs in my genes not like I care or anything because I have the best job ever and I wouldn’t trade it for the world. See my parents just think that I am a regular scientist, but they would never expect that I work with beings that are not from this world.

As for my best friend whom I have had the pleasure of knowing since the fifth grade, well all I can say is that she is the most amazing person ever. Her name is Ashley Bargmann and happens to be a super model. Yes that's right my dearest best friend is a super model. That’s probably why I have been scolded so often for the outfits that I wear because she knows how to dress. Even though she is always traveling she somehow finds time to talk to me or hangout when she gets back from going overseas. Yep, she owns a house here in Korea just so she can be close to me, which is why I love her because she is always by my side no matter what we are pretty much inseparable. Even though my occupation is supposed to be classified I have already told Ashley what I do and even took her to my office to show her. She took it pretty well and was happy to know that I trusted telling her everything. Why wouldn’t I? She is my best friend and I tell her everything, hiding a secret from her is pretty much impossible for me. Not to mention I am practically and open book to her, so she would have found out sooner or later.

As for the rest of my family I have an older brother and a younger sister. My brother who is in his final year of college is breaking the family tradition and going to school on a football scholarship, but is also there to study nutrition so he can go to culinary school after playing pros (Ya he is being drafted by the Broncos so that means he gets to meet Peyton Manning which is so cool), later opening his own restaurant. My sister also decided to break the curve as well and is currently studying dance and music so she can become famous. Yep my siblings sure picked a route to go, but I didn't care I was proud of them no matter what and I hope that they accomplish their dreams like I have done. And I bet you a wondering why my older brother would still be in college well like I said I got out of college a few years early (and skipped a couple of grades beforehand, but whatever it’s not like I am a genius or anything ;) that would be ridicules). More like four or five, but what can I say I am one smart cookie and spent a lot of time studying.

Anyways that is the basics of my boring life; I just hope I wasn't too boring for you. Goodbye!

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