Into the Dragon's den I go

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One alien down four more to go and hopefully things will be even better with the other four, If not I hope I learn something about them even if they don’t exactly try to communicate with me. I continued walking up the stairs from the pit that held the cute panda like one. A giant smile was evident on my face making up for everything that had happened with Andrew this morning. I carried on my merry way to the pit that is to the left of the pit I was just in. I reached the other pit within a few seconds just to look over the railing to catch a glimpse of the alien that is being held in this pit. I could see flaming red hair just from standing there. Heck if you were just taking a quick glance at him you would spot him in a matter of seconds. The bright red really popped in the neutral color of the sand and dull color of the cement walls. The red head was standing in the middle of the pit, looking like he was in deep thought. The first thought that came to my head was, ‘should I go in there and bother him or just leave him alone to his thoughts.’ Well to be honest I wasn’t one to bother people when they looked like they needed time to be alone, but a thought popped into my head that maybe I could help him out if he was willing to talk to me. So I made my mind up and allowed my feet to bounce down the stairs toward the guard in front the door that led to the pit that held the alien who was so lost in thought.

“Hello Dr. Lewis I assume you are going in their without gear like normal right,” the guard sighed. He knew me so well since he was normally guarding one of the other aliens from the other group.

“Yep Minho I am, you know that I don’t like those suits they restrict my movement and I don’t really like it,” I replied to him with a little salute which we normally do to one another.

“Alright I would just like to warn you this one uses fire so try not to cause any trouble,” He said winking at me, but his playfulness failed to cover up the worry that was written all over his face.

“Don’t worry you know I can handle myself you have seen me with CL and you know that she is hard to handle,” I reminded him. CL is one of the aliens in the other group that had never once let anyone come close to her, but I somehow was able to interact with her where as others weren’t able to.

“Alright,” he sighed once more before opening the metal door for me, but unlike the other guard he was more reluctant to shut the door behind me. When the door clicked shut the alien with the fiery red hair was pulled out of his thoughts as he lifted his head to look at me. His red eyes were filled with fiery hate, but I didn’t back down if anything it just made me want to get closer to him. My sudden movements didn’t seem to affect him any as he watched me with calculating eyes that were watching my every move. I held my hands out in front of him to show him that I didn’t have a weapon in my possession.

“Don’t worry I am not here to hurt you if anything I am here to help you out,” I told him in a reassuring tone. He didn’t seem to believe me, but at the same time he looked like he trusted me a little more than when I first stepped in here. “I would never dream of hurting you guys. To be honest it is against my beliefs to hold you in these cells in the first place,” I continued slowly taking more steps to shorten the gap between us. “I just came from one of your friends pit and he seemed scared beyond belief to be in there,” I took one more step and decided that I should keep at least two or three feet between us so I didn’t make him feel too uncomfortable. His eyes seemed to soften as I said his friend was scared, so it seemed that he understood what I was saying to him. The closer I was to him, the better I could his features. Just like his friend his face looked kind of soft, but it had more of a mature look to it. Maybe it is because he didn’t look like a lost child, but more of a person who was waiting for me to make a sudden move so he could take me down right then and there. His eyes were red and seemed to get lighter the more he relaxed. He was tall as well, maybe a few inches taller than I was, but I could see his lean muscular arms that weren’t covered by his short sleeved zip up shirt. His legs were covered by a pair of black jeans and black boots that went half way up his calves. To be honest he was just attractive as his friend I had just met and to be honest at this rate I would much rather date an alien than a human being.

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