Once in a life time Opportunity

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I walked into the building that I worked at for a whole year now. I was wearing a pair of ripped, black skinny jeans, a sweatshirt that had a blue and purple space print on it and a pair of Dr. Martens that matched my sweat shirt. I had my leather messenger bag hanging of my left shoulder while I was holding a coffee in my right hand. My hair was up in a high tight pony tail that was curled. This was my everyday look. It was comfortable, hid my body, and looked good. As for hiding my curves it’s not that I am not proud of how curvy I am, it is just that I don’t like guy’s staring at my body. Believe me there are a lot of young boys working here and they will check me out without shame. I made that mistake thinking I could wear a shirt that was sort of tight the first day I worked here and I have learned from my mistakes. I mean who wouldn’t when you have boys practically drooling over you or trying to pinch your butt as you walk by. As for everyone else they wear white lab coats which I am not very fond of so I decided I wasn’t going to wear them from the start. I walked through the metal doors that locked behind me to make sure we didn’t have any escaping aliens. Or at least that is what the government likes to say. I on the other hand hate caging them up like they are monsters. Yes, I agree that a few of them should be caged because they don’t  know how to control themselves at the moment, but there are some that are well behaved and look almost human. So from my point of view I ask as to why we can’t let them out of the building with supervision of course or their cages at least. This is the only part of my job that I hate, is to watch them be treated like animals when in reality they are more advanced than us and we should be asking for their help to advance our society instead of treating them like they are lower than us. I was so in thought about how we were supposed to treat them that I didn’t realize that someone was tapping my shoulder.

“Excuse me Ellie,” one of my colleagues said bringing me out of my thoughts. I hadn’t noticed that I had reached my small organized office. I turned around and was met with Andrew who happened to be my boss. His dark blue eyes met mine and softened a bit as if I was something special to him. He was only a few years older than me and was actually pretty handsome, but I was never attracted to him like he was to me. I know some girls would think I was stupid for not wanting this six foot, muscular guy that looked like he was an Abercrombie model, but he just never caught my eye in that way.

“What’s up boss,” I said to him smiling politely at him.

“We got a new group of aliens in today, since you have been here for a year now and have done such a tremendous job helping out with the other group we have here I was wondering if you would like to be the one to watch over them,” He said his bright teeth glinting at me due to the lighting as he smiled widely. I was shocked. I had never been asked for such a big task and this was a once in a life time opportunity well if you couldn’t tell because this is the second group of aliens we have gotten in this facility. The other group has been here for ten years and they are still caged when a couple of them are well behaved and don’t attack us. I know the other two need to be kept in their cages because they attack anyone who enters their cage well besides me that is. I don’t know what it is about me, but the first four that arrived treat me with respect and maybe it is because I treat them better than the other people here.

“Alright let me put my stuff down and then we can go see them,” I said trying hard to contain my excitement. I only hope that Andrew doesn’t turn this against me and say that I need to go on a date with him now because he gave me such a great opportunity; one that would be my responsibility for the rest of my life because I know that they will never be let out of here. I walked further into my office so I could place my bag on my chair and my coffee on my desk. I turned around and gestured for him to lead the way to were the new group of aliens is being held. He walked out of my small office and started walking down the hall slowly to make sure that I caught up to him. I wasn’t too fond of walking beside him, but I sucked it up and took it like the big girl that I am since he was my boss and I didn’t want to seem rude.

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