On TOP of everything ;)

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Chapter 5 

"Ellie...... Ellie......... ELLIE WAKE UP," I heard the deep voice screaming in my head. The voice scared the living shit out of me and causing me to fall off my couch, onto the cold cement floor. My blankets were thrown all over the floor since I spazed out while I was falling. I rubbed my poor tailbone that was practically screaming out in pain from the sudden, hard drop.

'What's up,' I thought to the person who had just given me my wake up call. To be honest I was trying to suppress a yawn that was coming on since it was still really early in the morning and I haven't had my coffee either to give me a kickstart for the morning. 

"Ummm well I was wondering if we could get something to eat. We haven't eaten since before we were captured," he asked and sounded a bit embarrassed by it. 

'Oh my gosh why didn't you tell me sooner, I could have gotten you whatever you wanted. OK maybe not anything, but there are a lot of different choice,' I said scolding him for not telling, now that I was fully awake. 

"I didn't think it was that important at the moment, but now the guys are complaining about their empty stomachs," he replied. 

'Ok hold on let me get dressed and I will be right there to ask the guys what they want unless you want to relay to me what they want and I can write it down, you do eat human food right,' I asked forgetting that they were aliens for a second. 

"Ya we eat the same food you do and I think it would be easy for you to come down here because all the guys want to see you," he told me a hint of longing hidden in what he said.

'Well I will see them when I deliver the food why don't you ask them and I will write it down so I can go to the cafeteria to grab you guys something. Also since it is morning time they serve breakfast so that is like eggs and bacon. Well that kind of stuff anyways,' I thought while rubbing the last of the sleep out of my eyes. 

"OK you get ready and I will ask the guys what they want," he said cutting his connection with me. I sighed hating the fact that now I was on call twenty-four seven for these guys all thanks to the one that read minds as well as speak through thoughts. Pushing that thoughts aside I got off my sore butt and walked to my stack of suit cases to grab something to wear. I took my clothes and went to my little bathroom to change. When I got in there I quickly shut the door behind me and stripped all of my dirty articles of clothing off my body. Then I put on the fresh clean clothes that were waiting on the skin to be worn. My outfit today consisted of a three quarter sleeved hoodie that was grey and blue, dark skinny jeans that had suspenders hanging off of them, and a pair of black biker boots. I looked in the little mirror that was above the sink to see that my ponytail had left my hair in a big knot. 

'Thank God I have my brush in here,' I thought when I pulled it out of the little medicine cabinet that hung on the wall. I took the hair-tie out of my hair and raked the brush through the millions of knots that it had in it from sleeping. The knots in my hair made it wavy so I decided to keep it that way and through a black, grey, and white beanie on my head to complete my look. 

"Ellie the guys said they want eggs, bacon, and blueberry muffins if there are any," he said in my head catching me off guard once again at the sudden intrusion in my head. 

'You know I will never be able to get used to that,' I thought to him as I headed for the door of my office so I could get the boys some food. 

"Well you better because as far as I know this is the only way we can get ahold of you if we need things such as food. Speaking of that could you get us some water we are pretty thirsty too," he said to me. 

'Ya I can do that for you guys, but you sir shouldn't miss use your powers because I do need sleep every once in a while,' I told him as I trudged down the boring hallways that were empty since it was still too early for most of the people here to get to work. 

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