This is my Victory!!!

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Chapter 6 

I practically ran to my little office room thinking about how having the head of this organization could go.  I was hopping for nothing, but the best with this encounter and that nothing will go wrong. Running through the halls I passed a few people who looked confused that I was running down those boring white halls. There was only a few hours before the head boss would show up and I can't wear plain jeans and a sweatshirt to see because that would make a bad impression. I would rather keep myself in his good graces, so I can keep my job. I came to a halt when I was in front of my office door that was locked because I didn't want creeper boys coming into my office to go through my clothing as well as other personal belongings. As I slid the key into my door to swiftly unlock it I heard my name being called from down the hallway. 

"Ellie, wait up I wanted to talk to you," a deep tone yelled as his figure got closer to me. I was mentally punching myself for not being quicker to getting in my room and the fact that he had caught me.  

"What is it Andrew," I said heaving a sigh at how unlucky I am right at this moment.

"I just wanted to let you know that since the boss is coming to review your work so far with newly arrived aliens, that you should be dressed up," he said stopping in front of me, but not before he had given me a once over. To be quiet frank I was disgusted with what he was doing and I was just about ready to puke over how he seemed to fawn over me like a lost puppy. 

"Well thank you for that piece of information," I told him. 'That I already knew,' I thought rage running through my blood, increasing my heart rate.  I was clenching my teeth trying to hold up the pleasant act for a few more minutes, or until he was gone which ever came first. "If you don't mind I am going to go get ready since I am limited on time," I said to him formally while hiding my true displeasure. 

"Alright I will see you in a few hours since I will be there as well and relax you are going to do amazing I believe in you," he said to me flashing his million dollar smile that sickened me to my core. 

"Thank you I will see you soon then," I said before closing the door in his face. A huge sigh left me as I slid down the closed door thanking God that the door was separating us now. I feel like one day I am going to be pulled into a dark room or closet by him so he can rape me. What a scary thought that is, it even caused me to shiver as I pulled myself up from the ground so I could take a shower. Rushing to my suitcase I took out the clothes that I was going to be wearing today. Of course it wasn't my normal comfort clothes that consisted of a sweatshirt, jeans and a pair of combat boots. I placed the thing on the sink and turned the shower on leaving it alone so it could heat up to the perfect temperature. While the shower heated up I decided to lock the bathroom door and strip down into my birthday suit. I turned to the little stereo that was in the bathroom and turned on my iPod so that I could blast some music while I was getting ready. The first song that turned on was Gold Rush by Clinton Sparks featuring 2 chains and Macklemore. My hips swayed to the beat as I dance in the shower feeling the warm water hit my skin in a constant stream. Being the sister of a dancer I am able to do a few things since she taught me. I was popping, locking, and doing a few body waves here and there as the song continued. The body wash I used on my body was slowly sliding down my curves where the water hit causing it to look like waves as it slid further down. Not wanting to take forever like I knew I would I stopped dancing and got straight to washing the remaining suds off my body. I quickly scrubbed my head with apple scented shampoo and let the water rinse it out to the point where there were no suds left in my hair. Lastly I quickly conditioned my hair and rinsed the extra out before getting out of the shower. My feet went from the warm shower floor to cold tile floor in the matter of seconds, leaving me to feel shivers run up and down my spine. My hand shot out from my side quickly grabbing the white fluffy towel that is hanging on the towel rack that was only a few feet away from the shower. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 03, 2014 ⏰

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